海王星在第五宫代表什么 海王星在第五宫怎样


The 5thhouse is traditionally associated with children and creativity. But the “children”of the 5th house are not necessarily biological, and our biologicalchildren are represented here not in the context of our capacity for parenting,but as those physical creations upon which we project our inner images of immortalityand specialness. The 5th house might more appropriately be calledthe house of the inner child, for it is the archetypal image of the divinechild that stands behind the sense of specialness associated with the Sun, thenatural ruler of the 5th, and the urge to “play” and spontaneouslyexpress our childlike hearts. The 5th house is thus as “religious”as the 9th , and perhaps more so, since the pursuit of meaning asreflected by the 9th is largely intellectual in nature, while theexperience of inner divinity, which we encounter through the 5th, inboth our children and our creative efforts, is direct, unmediated, andirrefutable.


The divine child whomwe meet when Neptune is in the 5th is the Christ-child, the progenyof heaven and the source of our redemption. Creative expression may thusbecomes a means of salvation, for through it we can leave the darkness of thematerial world and enter into union with the source of life. But in order topurse this kind of creative spirit we may feel impelled to suffer; forcreativity allied to a 5th house Neptune carries with it thepoignant vision of the Romantic poets. The artist must suffer for his or hercreation, and is redeemed by it; yet the artist is also the mouthpiece for thedivine, and carries the role of the redeemer of society. We should not besurprised to encounter Neptune in the 5th in the charts of poetssuch as E.T.A.Hoffmann, for whom creative expression was nothing less than theexpression of God himself, or F.Scott Fitzgerald, whose novel, The GreatGatsby, is really a novel-length interpretation of Neptune in the 5th.Total immersion in the imaginal realm constitutes fusion with the deity;re-emerging into ordinary life is an expulsion from Eden, and a kind of death.


The 5thhouse is also known as the house of love. Love as described by the 5this, however, a reflection of the Sun as life giver, and not specificallysexual; nor it is a relationship between equals. Solar love is an unboundedradiance which pours out toward people and objects as the Sun itself shinesupon the Earth. Our 5th house “love affairs” are not reallyconcerned with other people as individuals. We embark upon them in order toexperience our lovingness toward those who orbit around us as the Earth doesaround the Sun. Through our recognition of our own capacity to love, we glimpsethat which is godlike in ourselves. Neptune in the 5th conjures thelove of the troubadours, for whom the beloved is a mirror, and the experienceof passion is the gateway to union with the ineffable. The lover himself orherself scarcely matters. Ebertin, in describing Neptune in the 5th,mentions “a love of beauty and art…wastefulness, self-glorification, misdirectedpassion, seduction.” It is hardly surprising that Neptune’s passion might be “misdirected,”as the other person is merely a mirror in which the individual glimpses theimmortality of his or her own soul. With such a profound idealization of love,one is likely to display a certain lack of discrimination in one’s choices.Neptune in the 5th may be utterly in love with being in love. Yetlove and suffering may live side by side, for it is through the experience oflove that we, the suffering ones, are redeemed, and offer redemption to otherswho suffer. Neptune in the 5th is sometimes linked with deception inlove, either as perpetrator or victim. This is also not surprising, due to theextreme idealization and propensity for disillusionment which Neptune brings toromantic encounters.


Planets in the 5thdescribe what kind of things we are most naturally inclined to create; theexperience of divinity through a 5th house planet will expressitself in the form of the deity we encounter. Neptune’s most characteristiccreative products are those which link us to the oceanic source of life. A 5thhouse Neptune may, given sufficient containment, contribute to an artistictalent best expressed through media such as music, poetry, and drama. As ourchildren are also our creations, we may bring Neptune’s victim-redeemermythology into the domain of our progeny. This can create many difficulties,since children are not mere extensions of our solar creative power, but areindividuals in their own right, with a Sun and a 5th house in theirown natal charts. With Neptune in the 5th, we may idealise ourchildren to such a degree that we cannot discern their independent reality.Then we may truly suffer, since the child will probably resist thisobliteration of his or her own identity in one way or another. Many individualswith Neptune in the 5th perceive in their children the light oftheir own potential divinity, incur the eventual rejection of their children,and feel martyred and victimized as a result. Neptune in the 5th mayalso perceive parenthood itself as martyrdom—the proof of loving self-sacrifice.Or one may try to play redeemer to a child who is perceived as helpless andvulnerable. Yet the parent with Neptune in the 5thmay himself orherself secretly seek redemption through the child’s love and dependence.



The Neptunian themesof sacrifice and suffering may take other forms in relation to offspring.Because Neptune’s reluctance to define boundaries may bring a quality of deepunconsciousness to love affairs, “accidental” pregnancy—even in this modern eraof readily available contraception—is not uncommon. Neptune in the 5thmay sometimes be connected with an unhappy experience of abortion, as a resultof this kind of unconsciousness. Sometimes the “accidental” pregnancyconstitutes an instinctive means of binding a partner whom one is frightened oflosing; and a marriage built upon such a foundation may be fraught from theoutset with a sense of entrapment, bondage, and victimization on the part ofboth people. The child who is born of this union may believe, as childrenusually do that he or she is responsible for all the parents’ subsequent unhappinessand frustration, and may react by becoming the sort of burden guaranteed tomake martyr out of the parent. Or the parents may ultimately separate, and, ifthe usual acrimonious custody battle ensues, Neptune in the 5th mayfeel deeply victimized—either by the burden of being a single parent, or byhaving the child taken away. In these situations, no one wins. It is inappropriateto seek a culprit in such cases, as Neptune’s desperate need to find fusion isnot usually recognized by a young person caught in the throes of an apparentgrand passion. But it may be helpful to discern, beneath Neptune’s inclinationto bow to some mysterious “karma,” a pattern built upon unconscious choices andlongings which are, ultimately, the individual’s own.


Neptune in the 5thmay occasionally be linked with unwelcome childlessness, or with a physicallyor mentally handicapped or ailing child. In these cases one cannot “blame”Neptune. Such unhappy situations also occur where there is no planet in the 5th,or an apparently benign planet such as Jupiter. The conclusion suggested by astrologicalevidence is that it is not the burden of an ill or handicapped child which isdescribed by Neptune; it is the experience of a particular kind of sufferingwhich the parent is predisposed to undergo. Because we are all different, individualsrespond in varying ways to this kind of life challenge. Some parents are angry,and some are resigned; some institutionalize the child as quickly as possible,while others keep the child permanently at home even if other, healthierchildren suffer by the decision. Because no one can fully know or judge another’ssituation, no one can decide for another which of many options is “right.” ForNeptune, a profound sense of guilt and a longing for redemption throughsuffering may dictate that the “right” option is the path of martyrdom. Neptunein the 5th, when linked with the challenge of raising a handicappedchild, describes the mythic background of sorrow and salvation which theparent, rather than the child, is likely to carry within. Compassion and theopening of the heart may be the rewards of the experience. So, too, may be a deepened sense of religious or spiritualawareness. And so, too, may be the self-immolating propensities of the martyr,for whom suffering through one’s child may one day provide a passport intoParadise. Consciousness of one’s feelings is extremely important—not least forthe sake of the child. In the case of those who desperately long for childrenbut cannot have them, it is possible that some honest questioning about thedesperation might be of value. If Neptune in the 5th perceiveschildren as a vehicle for redemption, then inablility to bear them may indeedseem a lifelong sentence of exile from Paradise. It may not be so when thedesire for children is linked with less global needs, which could be partiallyif not completely met by other means. Self-pity may in such cases not be themost constructive expression of Neptune in the 5th. Something morewise within the individual may be seeking to express the redemptive longings ofNeptune through some other, noncorporeal kind of child.


When Neptune is in the 5th, creative outletsare essential, for real people such as lovers and offspring cannot carry themythic idealisations of Neptune without eventually falling off their pedestals.Neptune’s compassion and sensitivity may reflect a gift for interacting withchildren, and not only one’s own. But the planet’s most benign expression inthe natural house of the Sun is ultimately through those creative vehicleswhich can offer an immediate experience of the mystery which lies embeddedwithin the sense of “I.” “Children,” “speculation,” and “love affairs” seemeasier—at least initially—because they are instinctive and do not require reflection.Creative work demands the discipline of Saturn and the self-definition of theSun, which Neptune resists. Yet paradoxically, it is through creative effortthat Neptune’s redemptive longing can be fulfilled, at least in part, throughdiscovering the divine child within.



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