海王星在第二宫 海王星落在2宫


As the 1sthouse is concerned with potency, the 2nd is concerned with materialautonomy, and the formation of those personal values which provide us with ourinner stability and continuity. The natural house of Taurus, ruled by Venus,reflects the physical body and one’s capacity to feed, clothe and sustainoneself in the world, materially and psychologically. Money is our primary collectivesymbol of self-value, for the price we place on what we produce is also thevalue we place on ourselves.

第一宫与效力有关,第二宫则与物质的自主权有关,以及那些为我们提供内在稳定性和一致性的个人价值的组成部分。第二宫是金牛座的先天宫位,由金星掌管,从物质上和心理上反应了一个人的身体和养活自己的能力。金钱是自我价值的主要象征,因为我们为自己的产出所标定的价格也反映了我们自身的价值。The task at hand isthe further elaboration of who we are, the forging of a more solid sense of “I”or the personal ego. We need more definition, more substance, a greater senseof our own worth and abilities. We need some idea of what it is that we possesswhich we can call our own. We also should have some notion of what we value, ofwhat we would like to accrue or gain so that we can structure our lifeaccordingly.

现在的任务是进一步阐述我们是谁,锻造更牢固地对“我”的认知或自我意识。我们需要更多的定义,更多的内容,对自己的价值和能力有更深刻的认知。我们需要对那些拥有的——可以称之为真正属于自己的东西——有一个概念。我们也应该对自己看重什么、想要积累或获得什么有一定的认知,这样才能使我们的生活更有条理。In this earthy realm,Neptune can be awkward and difficult. The issue of material autonomy stands intotal contradiction to Neptune’s lack of boundaries. The beginnings ofindividual identity in early life arise from the body’s sensations, the firstof these being hunger and its satiation. The body is thus the primary buildingblock of the independent ego. It is useful in this context to consider Freud’sextremely unNetunian theory of anality—that stage of a child’s development inwhich the ability to control the muscles of the sphincter, and the new foundsense of control which arises from voluntary rather than inadvertentdefecation, lay the ground-work for later feelings of self-control andself-sufficiency. The body provides us with our sense that we can contain thechaos of our emotional needs; it keeps us safe. Knowing that we can stand alonegenerates self-respect and the confidence to cope with material life.

海王星在第二宫 海王星落在2宫

在这个土元素的领域,海王星显得尴尬和困难。物质自主权的问题与海王星缺乏边界是完全矛盾。个体对身份的感知在生命的早期源于身体的感觉,最早是饥饿感和饱食感。因此,身体是独立自我的最初的组成部分。在此背景下,细想一下弗洛伊德的极端非海王星人的肛欲理论是很有帮助的——在儿童时期发展出来的控制括约肌肌肉的能力,以及来自于自发排便而不是无意排便的控制感,为后来的自我控制和自我满足的感觉奠定了基础。身体让我们获得了一种认知,我们能够控制混乱的情感需求,它保护我们的安全。我们可以独立的拥有自尊和信心去应对物质生活。Neptune in the 2ndhouse is generally associated with financial difficulties. Many individualswith this placement chronically struggle with the simplest material demands.They are often creatively gifted yet somehow unable to “make ends meet,” orlose what they have earned through a kind of blindness or disregard formanaging the money they earn. But money problems are only a symptom of theNeptunian sea of feelings and longings that lies beneath. I have heard too manyesoterically inclined individuals protest that they cannot help their financialmess “because” Neptune is in the 2nd house. They may complain ofbeing victimized by a mercilessly materialistic world, yet collude with thisprocess by under-valuing their own skills; and someone else will often wind uppaying—one’s parents, one’s partner, or the taxpayer. Neptune’s secretidentification of victim with redeemer may underpin this pattern. A babyrightly assumes the availability of food and physical protection, for there isas yet no separate ego which can think in terms of “mine”. But when an adultunconsciously carries such an assumption, many material troubles may ensue. Thecompassion of Neptune may be equally in evidence in the 2nd house,for the sense of unity with others may impel the individual to give awayeverything if someone else is in greater need. And there is often a profoundsense of empathy with those who truly cannot cope.

海王星在第二宫通常与财务问题有关。有海王星在这个位置的许多人会长期地与最简单的物质需求作斗争。他们往往具有创造性的天赋,但不知何故会“入不敷出”,或者因为盲目或不重视管理他们挣来的钱而破财。但金钱问题只是潜藏在海王星感觉和渴望的汪洋大海下的一个征兆。我听过有太多神秘倾向的个人表示他们无法控制财务的混乱,“因为”海王星在第二宫。他们可能会抱怨自己是无情的物质世界的受害者,但同时又低估自己的能力。还有人通常会陷入为自己的父母、伴侣或纳税人买单的境况。海王星隐秘的受害者兼救赎者身份可能通过这种模式而加固。婴儿理所当然地认为可以得到食物和身体的保护,因为他们还没有一个能思考“我的”的独立自我。但是,当一个成年人无意识地做出这样的假设时,许多物质上的麻烦就会随之而来。海王星的怜悯同样会出现在第二宫,与他人的融合感会促使个体在其他人有更强烈的需求时而放弃一切。而对那些无法应付(帮助)的人,往往会产生一种同情心。A 2nd houseNeptune’s willingness to freely share resources and substance is both heartfeltgenerosity and at the same a complex enactment of the mother-child bond. Ifthose with Neptune in the 2nd wish to make the most creative use of thischallenging placement, the phrase, “I can’t help it,” might fruitfully bebanned from speech, to be replaced by the more honest, “I won’t help it,” or “Iam afraid to help it.” Neptune in the 2nd may generate financialdifficulties partly because the individual does not wish to have autonomy.Neptune longs to have the sins of materialism, sensuality, greed, and envy (allaspects of the darker face of Venus) expiated, so that the delights of Eden canbe enjoyed without guilt. The individual with Neptune in the 2nd mayspeak of needing to work at something “meaningful” or “higher.” This is in manyways appropriate, for with Neptune placed here one’s most valuable resource isan instinctive sense of the oneness of life. Yet pursuit of a “higher” vocationoften means that money is scarce, the “meaningful” thing may be unsaleable, ormore frequently, the person does not work very hard to put it into marketableform. And lurking beneath may be Neptunian feeling of weakness andhelplessness, and the deep-rooted belief that one does not deserve materialcomfort this side of the grave.

海王星在第二宫 海王星落在2宫


The 2ndhouse is often described as the house of talents and resources, and planets inthe 2nd symbolize those natural gifts which, welded into concreteforms, provide one with a living at the same time as a sense of personal value.Neptune in the 2nd can manage this as well as any other planet,while retaining its necessary contact with the oceanic realm, one does not haveto remain poor to do it. Neptune speaks to the redemptive longing in all of us.Translated into form, Neptune in the 2nd can reflect a capacity todevelop self-worth and material independence through the practical expressionof the imagination and the sense of unity with life. The creative capacities ofthe Hindu goddess Maya—the shaping of “stuff” into forms of beauty—are ofteninnate with Neptune in the 2nd. The eroticism and sensitivity ofNeptune may find its way into such talents as music and dance, and Neptune’sidealism may be best expressed through work which betters the lives of other.But the Venusian earth of personal value must be weighed against Neptune’sglobal vision; otherwise one remains a gifted baby in need of a caretaker, andwilling caretakers may be in short supply. The discipline of Saturn is alsoessential to balance a 2ne house Neptune. How can a musician make music, if heor she can not be bothered to learn the notes, the scales, the arpeggios, andthe development of an individual style?


Neptune in the 2ndhouse requires an honest confrontation with the old incestuous problem oforiginal sin, because Neptune so readily projects the visceral end of its spectrumupon flesh, and the 2nd house is extremely fleshly. A 1sthouse Neptune, badly in need of alliance with Martial assertiveness, often manifestsas illness or help lessness on a personal level. Neptune in the 2nd, badly in need of alliance with Venusian self-appreciation, may express itselfas financial victimisation and the pain of unlived or unrecognised talents. Yetthe individual is often as unconsciously devouring as those whom he or she accusesof greed—Ti’amat manifesting in Taurus’ earth-world in the usual Neptunianhall-of-mirrors fashion. Some extremely nasty divorce proceedings can arisefrom Neptune run amok in the 2nd house, where the “injured” partner,who previously made no effort to be independent, suddenly wants nothing lessthan everything in recompense. If one is honest enough to face the challenge ofbalancing Eden and earthly reality, then genuine financial as well aspsychological autonomy can be built upon those imaginative and empathetic giftswhich are Neptune’s special province. But it is not a good idea to be abovesuch base things as money when Neptune is in the 2nd house. Thismerely ensures that the responsibility for getting dirty hands always falls onsomeone else, who may grow tired of paying the bills. When Neptune is placed inany of the earthy houses—and particularly in the 2nd, the earthiestof them all—“spiritual” may not always be a helpful term. Even if one earns one’sliving through being a vicar or a psychic, the operative phrase with the 2ndhouse is earning one’s living. One cannot achieve this without recognizing thatthe Venusian realm of one’s body, one’s sensual pleasures, and one’s materialneeds is no less sacred than the cosmic sea which gave the body birth.



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