You see me standing here beside you, and bear my voice; but I tell you that all these things-yes, from that star that has just shone out in the sky to the solid ground beneath our feel-I say that all these are but dreams and shadows; the shadows that hide the real world from our eyes. There is a real world, but it is beyond this glamour, and this vision, beyond these “chases in Arras, dreams in a career,” beyond them all as beyond a veil. –Arthur Machen, The Great God Pan
–Arthur Machen, The Great God Pan
The house in which Neptune is placed in the birth horoscope is the arena of life in which we seek redemption—the “real” world beyond the veil. If we wish to understand Neptune’s varying expressions through the houses, we need to bear in mind its archetypal core. Every planetary symbol portrays an essential meaning, distinct from that of any other planetary symbol, and consistent whatever the level of expression—physical, emotional, intellectual, imaginative—in outer and inner life. Neptune portrays our longing for Eden. This longing renders the individual’s ego-boundaries porous, and the ocean of the collective psyche seeps in. Through Neptune we seek fons et origo, Paradise lost and Paradise to be one day regained. In our yearning, we also sense our danger, and fear the devouring Ti’amat-mother who will swallow us while we reach for the succouring Mary-mother who will intercede for our sins. Where Neptune is placed in the birth horoscope, we are both redeemer and redeemed. We may identify unconsciously with those who are helpless victims, and fail to recognize the secret link between the victim and his or her persecutor. We may seek to save these victims, who are secretly the same as our own wounded selves, from a destructive power in the world outside which also lies hidden within our own souls. And we long to be released from suffering by a redeemer who is in fact the property of our own souls. In the sphere of life described by Neptune’s natal house, we find ourselves in a hall of mirrors, healer, persecutor and victim all at once—while perhaps glimpsing, through the experience of compassion, a sense of unity which offers redemption from the lonely prison of our mortal existence.
Where we meet Neptune, we are inclined to lose our objectivity and our sense of separateness. We are both blinded and blinding to others, deceptive and deceived, but always pursuing the goal of fusion at the end of the road—even if we deny such feelings. We cease to be individuals, and merge with the collective sea. Both the opening of the heart and the emasculation of the will can occur with the loss of individual boundaries. Sacrifice, often concrete, may be required; but ultimately it is our dream of redemption which must be sacrificed before we can begin to differentiate between our cherished fantasies and what is really out there, and cease our self-victimisation. This is the great challenge of Neptune. Projective identification—the attribution of bits of ourselves to another and then experiencing fusion with that other on an unconscious level—is the natural process of Neptune. And because, in Neptune’s world, we do not distinguish between I and thou, we may not recognize our longing for redemption in the objects and people with whom we have fused.
In the following paragraphs, these general observations of Neptune’s expression in the houses of the horoscope are applied house by house. But the principle remains the same throughout. A house is a neutral arena of life, which we furnish according to the nature of our own substance. Manilius described a horoscopic house as a templum, and this ancient term can be helpful in understanding what the houses mean. Templum is also the word for a temple, which in Manilius’ time was an empty building or designated sacred are, devoid of numinosity until the cult statue of the god was placed within. Through each templum of the birth chart we experience, through the planets placed there, those gods or archetypal powers which are in fact the intelligent patterning of our own souls.
The point of the Ascendant is the point of birth, and the 1st house, the natural house of Mars, represents the entry of the individual into the world. It is not only the physical experience of birth, but every birth which occurs throughout life—every situation in which, through an act of independent will, we attempt to impose our own personal reality on the world outside. The 1st house therefore deals with the individual’s sense of potency and effectiveness in outer life. The manner in which we express the potency is identical with the image we have of the outer world; our methods match our projections, because what we see in the environment is actually our own interpretation of it. Over the course of time, our perception of the world thus shapes the world, vindicating our preconceptions.上升点意味着出生,并且第一宫——火星的先天宫位——代表了个体进入世界。它不仅代表肉体的出生,也代表生命中我们所遇见的每一次“出生”(降临)——我们通过个人的独立意志尝试将自身的个人实相强加给外部世界。第一宫是有关个体对处理外部世界的影响力与有效性的个人觉察。我们表现影响力的方式与我们对外部世界的印象是一致的。我们采用的方式切合了我们的投射,因为我们所看到的环境其实就是我们对它的理解。随着时间的推移,我们对世界的感知塑造了世界,证实了是我们的先入之见。
We attribute to life the qualities of the sign on the Ascendant or any planets nearby. It is the lens through which we perceive existence, the focus we bring into life, the way we “bracket” the world. And since we see the world in this way, we invariably act and behave in accordance with our vision. What’s more, life obliges our expectations and reflects our own point of view back to us.我们把上升星座或附近的行星特点归于生命。它是我们感知存在的镜头、是生命的焦点,是我们“托架”世界的方式。因为我们以这种方式看待世界,所以我们总是按照各自的愿景行事。并且,生活满足了我们的期盼也把我们的观点反映回来。
Neptune in the 1st house, especially within 10 degrees of the Ascendant, poses an immediate dilemma, for the nature of Neptune is antithetical to the nature of Mars. Where Mars seeks to assert its power over life, Neptune seeks to avoid birth. Where we experience Neptune, we fell helpless and important, for we are in the hands of powers greater than ourselves. The experience of physical birth may be felt by person with a 1st house Neptune as a process in which he or she has no volition and no choice. It is the mother’s will, or perhaps that of the doctor or midwife, but not one’s own; and the archetypal Martial component of struggle, inherent in the birth process, is often curiously absent. I have seen this placement in the charts of many people whose mothers were drugged into unconsciousness during the birth process, and both mother andinfant share in the torpor and lassitude which results. The whole experience takes place, as it were, under the water. Later in life, the individual tends to deal with external reality with the same lassitude and passivity. Neptune in the 1st may secretly feel emasculated and deeply anxious when confronted with choices and challenges that require a definite decision or act of will—particularly if there is any risk of separation or loneliness. Sometimes one adopts instead a strange fatalism, as though life is unreal anyway and therefore not worth struggling with. Eschewing of personal responsibility may undermine efforts to establish a coherent life direction. Both good and ill are “meant to be.”海王星在第一宫(特别与上升点的距离在10°以内)有一个眼前的困境,因为海王星的特质与火星相反。火星寻求对生命的掌控,而海王星则逃避“发生”(开创)。海王星所影响的人生领域让我们感受到无助且很重要,因为我们身处在比自身更强大的掌控之中。海王星在第一宫的人可能会认为经历出生(分娩)是他或她无自主权和无选择权的过程。这源自母亲的意愿,也许是医生或者助产士的意愿,但并非他自己的意愿。而在出生过程中所经历的典型的抗争部分,被莫名的忽略了。这类情况在我所观察的出生星图中,很多案主的母亲在分娩时候注射了麻药而无意识,母亲和婴儿都无精打采。这整个过程就如在水下进行的。在往后的生活中,个体倾向于以同样的倦怠和消极的态度面对外在现实。当面对要求做出明确决定或者主观意愿的选择和挑战时——特别是伴随着任何分离或孤寂的风险时——海王星在第一宫内会暗自感受到无力和深度的焦虑。有时人们会接受一种奇怪的宿命论,仿佛生活是不真实的,因此不值得与之抗争。回避个人责任,可能会破坏去建立有一个条理的生活方向的努力。善与恶都是“命中注定”。
Instead of real potency, Neptune in the 1st may generate false potency as a defence against victimization. The individual mayuse his or her gifts of empathy and imagination to become what the world expects, acquiring power through enchanting, pleasing, and mirroring the emotional needs of others. This behavior may mask a personality of considerable strength; a 1st house Neptune may be accompanied by the Sun conjunct Pluto in Scorpio, for example, or the Sun square Saturn in Capricorn. But the strength may not be visible, nor even recognized by the individual. Neptune in the 1st often reflects gifts of tact and subtle diplomacy; one navigates rather than shapes the outer world. The needs of others take on the shape of the redeemer; to merge with others in an ecstasy of mutual pleasing is a form of redemption. Everybody likes a rising Neptune, for it aims to please, and often embodies the magical fascination of Lutey’s mermaid. Problems arise when other factors in the chart, less fluid and undefined, begin to fidget and grow angry behind Neptune’s effortless charm.海王星在第一宫可能会产生虚假的效力来防御受害,继而取代了真实效力。个体可能运用他或者她的同理心及想象力的天赋去成为世人所期望的样子,通过吸引、取悦和反应他人情感需求的方式来获得力量。这样的行为可能掩盖了个体非常强大的个性。举个例子,第一宫内的海王星可能与太阳合相冥王星在天蝎座,或者太阳四分摩羯座的土星。力量可能无法被显化,或者自我根本察觉不到。海王星在第一宫反映了老练和机智的手腕,这是应对外部世界而不是塑造外部世界。他人的需求呈现出救世主的模样,与他人在相互愉悦的沉醉中融合是一种救赎的形式。每个人都喜欢一个上升的海王星,因为它的目标是取悦,并时常体现出Lutey的美人鱼的极大吸引力。当星图中其他的不稳定性小且未限定的因子开始在背后对海王星的无努力表示烦躁和生气时,那么问题就出现了。
Neptune in the 1st has a reputation in astrological texts for blindness and self-deception. Ebert in mentions “hypersensitiveness, confusion, a person without aims or objectives.” This is understandable because Neptune projects a mythic experience of redemption onto the environment and the people in it. Every personal interaction with another individual thus becomes a potential experience of salvation; and clarity, judgement and initiative dissolve as a result. But this destructive extreme of self-effacement can only occur if there is no sense of self to balance Neptune’s longing. If one has one’s own feelings and values, the need for others will not swallow up the outlines of the identity. Neptune in the 1st is often the special gift of the actor; Marilyn Monroe and Richard Burton are two of our most famous, and saddest, examples. Thetragedy of these two talented and charismatic people’s lives lay in their lethal tendency to identify almost totally with the archetypal image projected upon them by an adoring public. Any sense of worth was found only in the illusory Eden of drugs and alcohol and, in Monroe’s case, apparent suicide through an overdose. The challenge of a 1st house Neptune lies not in any intrinsically malevolent property in the planet, but in the task of balancing its chameleon-like inclinations with a healthy dose of self-value and self-preservation.第一宫的海王星在占星学上以盲目和自欺闻名。艾伯特提到了“过度敏感、混乱、一个没有目标的人”,这是可以理解的,因为海王星将救赎的神话投射到环境和深处其中的人身上。每个人与他人的互动都可能成为一种潜在的救赎,清晰的思路、判断力、主动性就消失了。这种具有严重破坏性的自我轻视只有在个体没有意识去平衡海王星的渴求时才会发生。如果人们有自己的感受和价值观,对他人的需求就不会吞噬个人的身份边界。第一宫的海王星通常来说有演员的天赋,玛丽莲梦露和理查德伯顿是两个非常著名的且让人悲伤的例子。这两位才华横溢、魅力非凡的人物的人生悲剧,在于他们几乎完全认同崇拜他们的公众在其身上投射的原型形象的致命倾向。任何价值感也只能在药物和酒精产生的虚幻的伊甸园中找到,并且在玛丽莲梦露的例子里,显然是因为服用过量了而自杀。第一宫的海王星带来的挑战并不来自这颗星体任何本质的、恶意的特质,而在于用健康的自我价值和自我保护来平衡它像变色龙一样的倾向。(译者注:根据环境不同而变换,既受环境/他人的影响太大)
Neptune in the 1st can also be the special gift of the counsellor or healer, because of its unique capacity to enter into the feelings of others. But the individual may become addicted to those who are needy. This is a chronic problem with may people in the helping professions; their secret dependency upon others’ dependency upon them causes them to overwork, undercharge, ignore their personal needs, and ultimately build up an enormous unconscious reservoir of anger and resentment toward demands which they cannot refuse. They often become sick themselves, and are in desperate, albeit unadmitted, need of help for their own problem because their problem is the same as their patients’; Somewhere along the way, the ordinary everyday self has been lost in the name of saving the suffering. Behind this characteristic pattern, we can see the secret identity of redeemer and redeemed, with its accompanying loss of contact with the reality of personal limits. It is no different in kind to the dilemma of the film star, who may no longer remember what it was like to live without fresh injections of Eden-stuff to feed the increasing tyranny of the habit.第一宫的海王星也是顾问和疗愈师的天赋,源自于可以深切感知他人感受的特殊能力。但是个体可能会对他人的需求上瘾。这是从事与帮助他人有关的职业的人会长期面临的问题。他们隐秘的依赖于他人对他们的依赖上,从而导致过度劳累、收费低、忽略自身的需求,最终因无法拒绝他人的需求而在无意识中产生了巨大的愤怒和怨恨。他们自己也时常生病,并且非常渴望——尽管不承认——也需要被帮助,因为他们的问题与他们的病人是一样的。在这个过程中,平凡的自我在拯救苦难中迷失了。在这样的性格特征背后,我们看到了隐秘的救赎者与被救赎者的双重身份,伴随着与现实的个人界限失去联结。这与电影明星的困境没有什么不同,也许不再记得生活在没有新鲜的伊甸园物质来喂养日益严重的习惯是怎样的。
Neptune in the 1st house, ungrounded by a solid ego, can suggest a deeply manipulative personality. This manipulativeness is not directed toward a calculated goal, however, unless colder, more self-serving chart factors enlist its power, it is utilized to secure the experience of fusion. Redemption, for a 1st house Neptune, lies in the feeling of power over the environment; but this power lies in powerlessness, which enlists others’ sympathy and support. Thus the individual may develop a pattern of victimization which makes him or her the passive partner in a series of difficult relationships. The more one is needed, the more secure one feels. If the individual can also express some directness and honesty, the Neptune’s sensitivity and magic are an enormous asset to the personality. If there is a good enough sense of personal boundaries, then Neptune will not unconsciously invade the boundaries of others. The manner in which Neptune expresses itself through the 1st house depends greatly upon how the rest of the chart is handled—particularly Mars, the natural ruler of the house, and Saturn, the natural complement to Neptune. One of the difficulties with Neptune placed in the 1st is that, gifted actor that it is, the capacity to charm and please begins in childhood. One learns one’s cues from the moment of birth. In an adulthood, if there is no one around to provide the mirror of Narcissus, then the individual may feel increasingly isolated and unreal.海王星在第一宫内,没有坚实的自我基础,暗示了一个深度的善操纵的性格特点。这种操纵不是针对一个精心策划的目标——除非在星图上有冷酷的、自我满足的因素参与进来——这种操控是用来确保融合的。拯救,对于第一宫内的海王星来说,依赖于超越环境的对力量的感知。但是这种力量存在于无力感之中,并会得到他人的同情与支持。然后个体会发展出受害者模式,这会让他或她在一系列的困难关系中变得非常被动。当一方需要的更多,另一方则有更多的安全感。如果个体也可以表达得更坦率或诚实,那么海王星的敏感和魔力对个性来说会是巨大的财富。如果有良好的个人边界感,那么海王星就不会无意识地入侵他人的边界。海王星在第一宫表达自己的方式主要取决于星图其他部分的处理——特别是火星,第一宫的先天宫主星;以及土星,拥有与海王星互补的特质。海王星在第一宫的困境之一是——赋予了表演天赋——在童年时期就拥有魅力与取悦的能力。一个人在出生那刻起就学会了暗示。在成年后,如果没有人提供纳西索斯的镜子,那么个体可能会感受到越来越强烈的孤独感和不真实感。(译者注:纳西索斯爱上了自己的影子,最终变成了水仙花。文中的意思是看不见自己。)
Neptune in the 1stis sometimes associated with drug and drink problems. It is also connected withcertain illnesses which involve a degree of helplessness and dependence uponothers, and in its most virulent from it is usually linked with thoselingering, wasting conditions that require the bed or the wheelchair forprolonged periods. I have met Neptune in the 1st house in cases ofmultiple sclerosis, “post-viral fatigue,” extreme allergic reactions, psoriasis,and asthma, as well as the usual addiction difficulties. Although multiplesclerosis is usually, in terms of current medical theory, considered organic,it is useful to remember Charcot. Retreat into the secret pleasures of illnessand addiction seems, in part, to spring from feelings of impotence andunreality, which afflict the individual when he or she experiences the lonelinessand harshness of life. Illness may thus provide a symbolic return to thecomforting waters of the womb, where all needs are unconditionally met. Becauseself-assertion always involves the risk of alienation and aloneness, theexpression of Mars may be strenuously avoided. But it may be exhibitedunconsciously in the fierce demands which debilitating illness and addictionmake on friends and family, and, on the positive side, in the often extraordinarybravery shown in the face of a paralysing disease. But Neptunian ailments mayexhibit a highly manipulative component in the timing of the outbreaks. Othersmust adjust to the ill person emotionally as well as physically, and the suffererusually requires a high degree of caretaking, not unlike a small child. This isof course neither conscious nor calculated. But there is sometimes an elementof hidden intent or “secondary gain” in these “mystery” ailments whose physicalcauses still elude medical understanding. Perhaps, too, we do not look oftenenough at the rage behind such ailments. This rage may be not only the resultof incapacitation, but also one of the factors in its cause.
海王星在第一宫通常有药物或酗酒的问题。它也会产生某些涉及到一定程度的无助感和依赖他人的问题。而它最致命的是与那些长期需要卧床或者坐轮椅的持续、消耗的状况相关。我遇到过海王星在第一宫的情况里遭遇了多发性硬化症、“病毒后疲劳”、极度过敏反应、牛皮鲜和哮喘,以及常见的成瘾问题。尽管从现在的医学理论上来说,多发性硬化症通常属于器质性的,但记住夏科特很有用。(译者注:夏科特是法国著名神经学家,首先描述了神经性关节病故。)退回到疾病与上瘾的隐秘快感中,当他或她经历了孤独和生活的艰辛,在某种程度上,无能与不真实感将折磨他/她。疾病可能提供了一个象征性地回到舒适的子宫水域,所有的需求都会得到无条件的满足。因为自我主张总会涉及到疏远和孤独的风险,火星的表达可能会被极力地避免。但可能无意识地展现出因衰弱性疾病或成瘾症而对朋友和家人的强烈要求,积极的一面是面对瘫痪的疾病时所拥有的超常勇气。但是海王星的轻症在爆发时可能表现出一种高度的操控力。其他人必须调整自己情感和身体以适应病人,并且病人通常需要高度的照料,就像一个小孩子。当然这些并不是有意识或者蓄谋已久的。但有时,在这些“神秘”的无法用医学来解释的身体轻症中,有一些隐藏的意图或“二次收获”的因素。也许,我们也不时常去关注这些疾病背后的愤怒。这些愤怒可能并不仅仅会造成能力的丧失,也许是形成这类状况的原因之一。The openness andresponsiveness of a rising Neptune is a rich and magical gift. Whether thisgift expresses itself through a creative medium such as acting or singing, orthrough an equally creative medium such as healing, or through a less obviousbut equally valuable gift of gentleness and empathy in human relationships, theindividual with Neptune in the 1st house is not inherently “afflicted”by something which permanently ruins his or her capacity to cope with life. Butthe primordial energy of any outer planet ultimately needs to be contained andexpressed by a robust individual ego, if it is not to become destructive tolife–and not merely one’s own life. The inner solidity of the personalitydecides in the end whether the gifts of a 1st house Neptune willlead to the waters of oblivion or the waters of life.

