The earth, the sky, and the sea were once mingled together in the same form, until a compelling music sounded from nowhere and they separated, yet remained one universe still. This mysterious music announced the birth of the soul of Eurynome; for that was the original name of the Great Triple Goddess, whose symbol is the Moon. She was the universal Goddess and she was alone. Being alone, she presently felt lonely, standing between blank earth, empty water, and the accurately circling constellations of Heaven. She rubbed her cold hands together, and when she opened them again, out slid the serpent Ophion, whom from curiosity she admitted to love with her. From the fearful convulsions of the act of love rivers sprang, mountains rose, lakes swelled; it caused all manner of creeping things and fish and beasts to be born and populate the earth. Immediately ashamed of what she had done, Eurynome killed the serpent and sent his ghost underground; but as an act of justice she banished a mulberry-faced shadow of herself to live underground with the ghost. She renamed the serpent “Death”, and her shadow she named “Hekate”. From the scattered teeth of the dead serpent sprang up the Sown race of men, who were shepherds, cowherds and horseherds, but neither tilled the soil nor engaged in warfare. Their food was milk, honey, nuts, and fruit, and they knew nothing of metallurgy. So ended the first Age, that had been the Age of Stone.大地、天空和大海曾经交融在一起,直到一首不知从何处传来的非凡乐声响起之后,它们便分开了,但依然是一个完整的宇宙。这曲神秘的音乐标志着女神欧律诺墨的诞生——伟大的三女神之一,她的象征是月亮。她是宇宙的女神,也因此她是孤独的。因为孤独,她感受到寂寞——站在空旷的大地、空荡的水域和精确旋转的星座星际之间。她搓了搓冰冷的双手,当她摊开手掌之后,滑出了大蛇俄菲翁(蛇形神祇),她承认出于好奇它爱上了她。这份爱带来的可怕动乱让河流奔腾、山脉隆起、湖泊扩张;它让一切事物开始慢慢萌芽,鱼和野兽出现并繁荣了大地。女神立刻对她所做的感到羞愧,她杀死了大蛇并把他的灵魂送到地下。但是为了公平,她驱逐了自己桑葚脸的影子并让其与蛇的灵魂同住在地下。她给大蛇重新取名为“死亡”,并命名她的影子为“赫卡忒”。死去的大蛇散落的牙齿萌芽出了人类——他们是牧羊人、牛仔和牧马人——既不耕种也没有战争。他们的食物是牛奶、蜂蜜、坚果和水果,对冶金术一无所知。第一个时代——石器时代——就这样结束了。
Eurynome continued to live in Earth, Sky and Sea. Her Earth-self was Rhea, with the breath of gorse-flower and amber-colored eyes. As Rhea one day she went to visit Crete…In Crete, out of sun and vapour, feeling lonely again, Rhea contrived a man-god named Cronus to be her lover. To satisfy her maternal craving, she then every year bore herself a Sun-Child in the Dictean Cave; but Cronus was jealous of the Sun-Children and killed them, one after the other. Rhea concealed her displeasure. She said smilingly to Cronus one day:“Give me, dear one, the thumb and fingers of your left hand. A single hand is enough for such a lazy god as you are. I will make five little gods out of them to obey your instructions while you recline here with me on the flower bank. They will guard your feet and legs from unnecessary fatigue.” He accordingly gave her his left thumb and fingers, and out of them she made five little gods called the Dactyls, or Finger Gods, and crowned them with myrtle crowns. The caused him a deal of amusement by their sport and dancing. But Rhea secretly instructed the Dactyls to hide from Cronus the next Sun-Child that she bore. They obeyed her and deceived Cronus, putting an axe-shaped thunder-stone in a sack and pretending that it was Rhea’s child which, as usual, they were throwing in to the sea for him. This gave rise to the proverb, that the right hand should always be aware of what the left hand is doing. Rhea could not herself suckle the child, whom she named Zagreus, without rousing the suspicions of Cronus; and therefore the Dactyls brought a fat sow to be his foster-mother-a circumstance of which Zagreus afterwards did not like to be reminded. Later, because they found it inconvenient to drown his infant voice with loud drumming and piping whenever he cried, they weaned him from the sow and took him away from Mount Dicte. They consigned him to the care of certain shepherds who lived far to the west, on Mount Ida, where his fare was sheep’s cheese and honey. So the second Age, that had been the Golden Age, drew to a close.欧律诺墨继续住在大地、天空和海洋中。她的大地本我是瑞亚,散发着金雀花般的气息,有着琥珀色的眼睛。当瑞亚有一天去克里特岛游玩——克里特岛远离阳关和水汽——她再次感受到孤寂,并创造了一个叫克洛诺斯的人型神祇作为自己的爱人。为了满足自己的母性欲望,她每年在狄克提洞穴中生育一个太阳之子。但是克洛诺斯非常嫉妒太阳之子并一个接一个地杀了他们。瑞亚隐藏了她的不满。某一天她微笑着对克洛诺斯说:“亲爱的,把你的左手拇指和手指给我。单臂足够像你这样懒惰的神使用了。我要用它们再制造出五个小神,当你和我一起躺在花岸上,他们会听从你的指令并保护你的腿和脚免受不必要的疲劳。” 他给了瑞亚自己的左手拇指和手指,她因此创造了五个小神称为指神并给他们戴上香桃木的皇冠。他们的嬉戏与舞蹈给他带来了乐趣。但是瑞亚命令指神将下一个她生育的太阳之子藏匿起来。他们服从了瑞亚并诓骗了克洛诺斯——把一块斧型的雷石放进袋子里假装是瑞亚的孩子,并按照克洛诺斯的要求扔进了海里。这就有了一个谚语:“右手应该时刻知道左手做了什么。”孩子名叫扎格列欧斯,瑞亚无法在不引起克洛诺斯的怀疑下给孩子喂奶。因此,指神让一只肥母猪做扎格列欧斯的养母——这是他后来不愿提及的一件事。后来,指神发现用鼓声和笛声来掩盖他响亮的哭声非常地不方便,他们让他断奶并带离了狄克提洞穴。他们把他交给住在遥远的西边的艾达山上牧羊人照料,给他的食物是羊奶酪和蜂蜜。第二个时代——黄金时代——就这样结束了。
Rhea hastened on the new Age by fostering agriculture, and by teaching her servant, Prometheus the Cretan, how to make fire artificially with the fylfot fire-wheel. She laughed long to herself when Zagreus castrated and killed his father Cronus with a golden sickle that Prometheus had forged, and still longer when he tried to disguise himself as a starved and bedraggled cuckoo and pleaded to be nursed back to life in her bosom. She pretended to be deceived, and when he resumed his true shape she allowed him to enjoy her. “Yes, indeed, my little god,” she said, “you may be my loving servant if you wish.”瑞亚促进了新时代的进程,她鼓励农业并教她的仆人——克里特岛人普罗米修斯——如何用十字形的火轮进行人工取火。扎格列欧斯用普罗米修斯锻造的金镰刀阉割并杀死他的父亲克洛诺斯后,他把自己伪装成一只饥饿邋遢的布谷鸟并请求在瑞亚的怀抱中得到照料,这让瑞亚笑了很久。她假装被骗了,等他恢复了原型后允许他陪伴自己。“是的,如果你愿意可以做我可爱的仆人。”
But Zagreus was insolent and answered: “No, Rhea, I will be your master and instruct you what to do. I am more cunning than you, for I deceived you with my cuckoo disguise. And I am also more reasonable than you. By an act of reason I have just invented Time. Now that Time has begun, with my Advent, we can have dates and history and genealogy instead of timeless, wavering myth. And recorded Time, with its chain of detailed cause and consequence, will be the basis of Logic.”但是扎格列欧斯傲慢地回答:“不,瑞亚,我要做你的主人并给你下指令。我比你更狡猾,用布谷鸟的伪装欺骗了你。并且我比你更明智,因为我发明了时间。随着我的出现,现在时间已经开始流淌,我们拥有了日期、历史和家谱,取代了永恒的、摇曳的神话。时间的记录,连同它详尽的因果关系,将成为逻辑的基础。”
Rhea was astonished and did not know whether to crush him to atoms with one blow of her sandal or whether to lie back and scream with mirth. In the end she did neither. She said no more that this: “O Zagreus, Zagreus, my little Sun-Child, what strange notions you have sucked in from the dugs of your foster-mother, the Sow of Dicte!”瑞亚惊呆了,她不知道是该用她的凉鞋把他拍打击碎还是该躺下开心地尖叫。最后她什么都没做,她只是说:“噢,扎格列欧斯,我的小宝贝,你从那只狄克提的母猪养母那里吸收到了多少奇怪的观念。”
He answered: “My name is Zeus, not Zagreus; and I am a Thunder-Child, not a Sun-Child; and I was suckled by the She-goat Amalthea of Ida, not by the Sow of Dicte.”他回答到:“我的名字是宙斯,不是扎格列欧斯。我是雷之子,不是太阳之子。我是又艾达山的母羊阿玛尔忒亚哺育的,不是狄克提的母猪。”
“That is triple lie,” said Rhea, smiling.“I know that,” he answered. “But I am big and strong enough now to tell triple lies, or even sevenfold lies, without fear of contradiction. If I am of a bilious temper, that is because the ignorant shepherds of Ida fed me with too much honeycomb. You must beware of my masterful ways, Mother, I warn you, for from now onwards, I not you, am the Sole Sovereign of All Things.”“这是三重谎言”,瑞亚笑着说。“我当然知道”,他回答。“但是我已经长大并且足够强壮来编造三重谎言,甚至还能说七重谎,也不害怕出现矛盾。如果说我是一个脾气暴躁的人,那是因为艾达山的无知的牧羊人给我吃了太多的蜂巢。母亲,你必须小心我的操控力,我警告你,从今往后我才是万物的主宰,而不是你。”
Rhea sighed and answered happily: “Dear Zagreus, or Zeus, or whatever you care to be called, have you indeed guessed how weary I am of the natural order and tidiness of this manifest universe, and of the thankless labour of supervising it? Rule it, Child, rule it, by all means! Let me lie back and meditate at my ease. Yes, I will be your wife and daughter and slave; and whatever strife or disorder you bring into my beautiful universe by any act of reason, as you call it, I will forgive you, because you are still very young and cannot be expected to understand things as well as I do. But pray be careful of the Three Furies that have been born from the drops of blood falling from your father’s severed genitals; make much of them or they will one day avenge him. Let us have recorded Time and dates and genealogy and history, by all means; though I foresee that they will cause you far more anxiety and pleasure than they are worth. And by all means use Logic as a crutch for your crippled intelligence and a justification of your absurd errors. However, I must first make a condition; there shall be two islands, one in the Western Sea and one in the Eastern, which I shall retain for my ancient worship. There neither yourself nor any other deity that you may divide yourself into shall have any jurisdiction, buy only myself and my serpent Death when I choose to send for him. The western shall be the island of innocence, and the eastern that of illumination; in neither will any record be kept of time, but every day shall be as a thousand years, and contrariwise.”瑞亚叹了口气并高兴地回答到:“亲爱的扎格列欧斯,或者宙斯,或者其他任何你想叫的名字,你真的猜到了我对这个维持自然秩序和天地万物的整洁以及吃力不讨好的监督任务的厌倦了吗?统治它,孩子,用一切办法统治它!让我躺下来舒服地冥想。是的,我将成为你的妻子、女儿和奴隶。不论你给我美丽的宇宙带来什么样的麻烦和混乱,我都会原谅你,因为你还很年轻也不能期待你可以像我一样了解万物。但期望你能小心复仇三女神——她们从你父亲被切断的生殖器上的血滴而诞生——充分重视她们,她们总有一天会为他报仇。让我们用一切方法记录下时间、日期、家谱和历史,虽然我能预见它们会给你带来远超自身价值的焦虑和快乐。一定要用逻辑来支撑你那不完美的智慧以及为你荒唐的错误辩护。但是,我必须先提一个条件——给我两个岛屿,一个在西海领域,一个在东海,用以保留我古老的崇拜。你和任何你分割制造的神都没有对它们的管辖权,那里只有我和我的名叫死亡的大蛇(当我请它过来的时候)。西边是纯真之岛,东边是光明之岛,都不用时间来记录,与此相反,一日如千年。”
Then at once she made the western island rise from the waters, like a garden, at a day’s sail from Spain; and she also cast a cloud about the severed member of Cronus, and the Dactyls conveyed it safely to the eastern island, which was already in existence, where it became their companion, the jolly fish-headed god Priapus.Then Zeus said: “I accept your condition, Wife, if you agree that your other self, Amphitrite, shall surrender the Sea to my shadow brother Poseidon.”接下来她立刻使西边的岛屿像花园一样从水中升起,距离西班牙只有一天的航程。她向克洛诺斯被切断的身体部分上投下了阴影,并由指神安全地送至西方岛屿——在那里,快乐的鱼头神普里阿普斯成为了他们的好友。宙斯说到:“如果我接受你的条件,我的妻子,你得同意让另个自我安菲特里忒把大海交给我的影子弟弟波塞冬。”
Rhea answered: “I agree, Husband, only reserving for my own use the waters that extend for five miles about my two islands; you may also rule in the Sky instead of Eurynome, with possession of all the stars and planets and of the Sun itself; but I reserve the Moon for my own.”瑞亚回答:“我答应你,我的丈夫,只保留我两个岛屿周围五英里的水域作为我自己使用。你也可以代替我统治天空,拥有所有的行星与恒星,包括太阳。但是我把月亮留下。”
So they clasped hands on the bargain, and to show his power Zeus dealt her a resounding box on the ear, and danced in menace an armed jig, clashing his thunderstone axe against his golden shield so that the thunder rolled horribly across the vault of Heaven. Rhea smiled. She had not bargained way her control of three most important things, which Zeus never afterward succeeded in wresting from her: wind, death and destiny. This is why she smiled.他们握手以达成协议,并且宙斯为了显示自己的力量给了她一记响亮的耳光,带着具有威胁性的武器跳起了吉格舞——雷石斧头撞在金盾牌上,发出的可怕雷鸣划过了天穹。瑞亚笑了。她没有失去最对重的三件事物的控制,以后宙斯也没能从她手中夺取:风、死亡和命运。这就是她笑的缘由。

