星盘第3宫代表什么意思 3宫占星代表什么

We read the world wrong,

and say that it deceives us.



星盘第3宫代表什么意思 3宫占星代表什么

In the womb and for some months after birth, nothing is perceived as separate from ourselves – everything is seen as an extension of who we are. Eventually we become aware of our own distinct body. We discover its biological needs and wants and the kind of equipment we have been given to operate in the world to fulfil these. A sense of physical separateness from the mother develops and thereafter the sense of separateness from the rest of the environment. It is only when we have distinguished ourselves from the totality of life that we can actually begin to see and understand what there is around us, and enter into a relationship with what we find. Having established some awareness of our own boundary and shape, we can now explore the boundaries and shapes of other things. By the time we reach the 3rd house – the area of the chart associated with Mercury and Gemini – we are sufficiently evolved to examine the environment more closely, to interact with it, and to form ideas and opinions about what we meet.


Developmentally, the 3rd house corresponds to the stage in life when we begin to crawl and learn to walk. Provided that we feel reasonably secure (the feeling that ‘Mother is at home’) and with the stipulation that the environment is not too repressive, we naturally relish our greater independence and autonomy. We want to grow and explore. Akin to this is the development of language and the ability to communicate and name things. All this sounds like fun, and yet ironically our growing autonomy and our increasing facility to operate in the world confront us head on with a frustrating sense of our own inadequacy and smallness. There are things out there which are bigger than we are, which are scary and threatening; there are certain laws and limits – some things we are allowed to do or say, and are even praised for, while other things we do or say are reprehended with a scowl or firm slap. Welcome to the world of relativity! What a jigsaw puzzle! It is enough of a task to find all the pieces, let alone figure out how to put them together.


Most psychologists affirm that a true sense of individuality does not develop until language is learned: the typical noun-verb structure of most languages helps the growing child to distinguish subject from object, and in this way, the actor becomes separate from the action. (Little Johnny is not the ball, but he can throw the ball.) Accordingly, the child becomes more conscious of the self as a distinct entity – as a ‘doer’ or the one who is done to. Everything is no longer the same amorphous blob.


Through language, the child also enters the world of symbols, ideas and concepts, and, for the first time, is able to imagine sequences of events beyond what is immediately available to the senses or the body. Attention can now be focused not just on what is present, but also on hypothetical and abstract qualities of existence. In short, with the advent of language, the mind (or mental self) frees and differentiates itself from the body.


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