星盘第2宫代表什么意思 2宫占星代表什么


“Mama may have, Papa may have but God blessthe child that got his own”

-Billie Holiday



With the 1st house, the initial spark of individual identity has manifested and our general approach to life has been defined. Now the task at hand is the further elaboration of who we are, the forging of a more solid sense of ‘I’ or the personal ego. We need more definition, more substance, a greater sense of our own worth and abilities. We need some idea of what it is that we possess which we can call our own. We also should have some notion of what we value, of what we would like to accrue or gain so that we can structure our life accordingly. The 2nd house, associated with the earthy sign of Taurus and the planet Venus, and usually described under the umbrella of ‘Values, Possessions, Money and Resources’, covers this phase of the journey.


The traditional labelling of the 2nd house makes it sound as if it covers only that which is concrete and tangible and of interest to the tax inspector. Don’t be fooled – there is much more under this umbrella than meets the eye.

星盘第2宫代表什么意思 2宫占星代表什么


Although birth is the beginning of our development as a separate individual, it usually takes up to six months before we recognize we have a body, and even longer to fully differentiate self from not self. A big step forward towards establishing ourselves as an entity distinct from everything else is taken when we realize that Mother (who is the whole world to us) is actually not us. Before then, she has been seen purely as an extension of who we are. Gradually we develop a sense of inhabiting a physical form which is not hers nor anybody else’s: ‘These are my toes, not Mother’s toes; these are my hands, not Mother’s hands – they belong to me, they define me, they are what I am and what I possess.’ But the discovery of our body as separate also awakens a sense of our vulnerability and finiteness which has not been present before. With this fearful realization comes the need to defend the separate self against death and destruction. We yearn to make ourselves more stable, permanent, solid and enduring.


The body is the first thing by which we define ourselves, but the way is now paved for further self-definition as we attach more and more things to ourselves through which we derive and give substance to our ego-identity.As time goes by we will develop a sense of other things we possess besides the body – a good mind, a clever tongue, a sympathetic nature, a practical ability, an artistic flair, etc. The 2nd house describes what we possess or hope to possess as well as those resources or attributes which, when developed, will give us the sense of substance, value, worth, safety and security previously provided by our identification with Mother. For most people this is money, although its mindless pursuit leads not to self-definition but to despair: witness the number of men queuing to jump off the tenth-floor window-ledge after the crash of 1929. More positively, the desire for money may serve as a spur to develop certain qualities and faculties which otherwise might remain latent. Although the 2nd house is traditionally associated with money, it should be noted that other things can fulfil the need for safety, security and a more substantial sense of identity besides enlarging our bank balance.


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