星盘的第十一宫代表什么 占星 第11宫

In the heaven of Indra, there is said to bea network of pearls, so arranged, that if you look at one you see all theothers reflected in it.


——A Hindu Sutra

From being oblivious of being anybody, to winning recognition as a somebody: this has been the route from the 1st house to the 10th house. But now that the ego has been firmly established and duly acknowledged, what happens next?


At its deepest level, the 11th house (associated with the sign of Aquarius and co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus) represents the attempt to go beyond our ego-identity and become something greater than what we already are. The main way of achieving this is to identify with something larger than the self – such as a circle of friends, a group, a belief system or an ideology.


According to General Systems Theory, nothing can be understood in isolation but must be comprehended as part of a system. The components of the system and their attributes are viewed as functions of the total system. The behavior and expression of each variable influences and is influenced by all the others. In what is known as a ‘high synergy’ society, the goals of the individual are in harmony with the needs of the system as a whole. In a ‘low synergy’ system, the individuals, in fulfilling their own needs, do not necessarily act for the good of the whole. How we function as part of a system is shown by the 11th house.


星盘的第十一宫代表什么 占星 第11宫

In keeping with its dual rulership, the concept of group consciousness implied by the 11th can be understood in two distinct ways. Saturn seeks greater security and a more solid sense of identity through belonging to a group – what psychologists label ‘belonging-identification’. Being a member of a particular group, whether it is a social, national, political or religious group, enhances the sense of who we are and gives a feeling of safety in numbers. To some extent, this is exploitive, since the rest of the world is used in the service of augmenting or bolstering the identity. Evidence of this is most clearly seen in those who are overly concerned with having the ‘right’ friends, being noticed in the ‘right’ places, and aligning the self with the ‘right’ beliefs. The most negative face of this Saturn undercurrent of the 11th manifests when a group is threatened by another group – such as blacks moving into a white area, or Jungians moving into a predominantly Freudian neighborhood.


The Uranian side of the 11th house represents the kind of group consciousness which spiritual teachers, mystics and visionaries from all different cultures and times have repeatedly espoused. Instead of the typical ‘me-in-here’ versus ‘you-out-there’ paradigm or self-model, they speak of the individual’s unity with all of life, that we are part of a greater whole, interconnected with the rest of creation. Mirroring the mystical perception of the unity of all life, recent scientific breakthroughs demonstrate the web of relationship underlying everything in the universe. For instance, David Bohm, a British physicist, theorizes that the universe must be understood as ‘a single undivided whole in which separate and independent parts have no fundamental status.’ A thorough analysis of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism is found in The Tao of Physics by Fritj of Capra, an eminent researcher in high-energy physics. Some of the parallels he recounts are so striking that it is almost impossible to determine whether certain statements about the nature of life have been made by modern scientists or by Eastern mystics

第十一宫的天王星代表了来自不同文化和时代的精神导师、神秘人和远见者的群体意识。与典型的“我在这里”和“你在那里”的范例或自我模型不同的是,他们谈论的是个人与所有生命的联结,我们是更大的整体的一部分,且与造物的其余部分相联系。最近科学的重大进展是显示了宇宙万物背后的关系网,反映了所有生命统一的神秘觉知。例如,英国物理学家大卫·博姆(David Bohm)认为,宇宙必须被理解为“一个不可分割的整体,在这个整体中,独立的部分没有基本的地位。”。在卡普拉的高能物理领域的杰出研究者Fritj的《The Tao of Physics》一书中,有详尽的关于现代物理学和东方神秘学的相似性的研究分析。他总结的一些相似之处是如此的惊人,以至于几乎不能确定是现代科学家还是东方神秘主义做出了关于生命本质的某些陈述。有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx

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