星盘的第九宫代表什么 占星 第9宫

Mankind is poised midway between the godsand the beasts /人类处于众神与野兽之间——Plotinus

The 8th house invariably implies somedegree of pain, crises and suffering. Hopefully, in surviving these difficulttimes, we emerge renewed, cleansed, and wiser about ourselves and life ingeneral. Having descended into the depths and somehow managed to find our wayup again, an overview is gained which allows us to conceive of life as ajourney and process of unfoldment. The fiery 9th house, naturally associatedwith Jupiter and Sagittarius, follows upon the troubled waters of the 8th andoffers a broader perspective on all that has occurred up to now. Enoughexperience has been gathered to attempt formulating some conclusions about themeaning and purpose of our sojourn.


The 9th is the area of the chart mostdirectly concerned with philosophy and religion – questions about the ‘whys andwherefores’ of existence. It is here that we seek the Truth, endeavoring tofathom the underlying patterns and basic laws which govern life. In one sense,the suffering incurred in the 8th compels us in this direction because pain ismore easily borne if we can envision some purpose for having to endure it. Inaddition, if suffering is in any way linked with a failure to live inaccordance to the laws or truths of existence, then discovering and adhering tothese guidelines might decrease the amount of pain we need incur.


Human beings seem to require meaning. Weapparently need absolutes, firm ideals towards which we can aspire, andprecepts which serve to steer our lives. Without meaning, there is often thefeeling that we have nothing to live for, nothing to hope for, no reason tostruggle for anything, and no direction in life. Many psychologists believethat much of modern-day neurosis is related to a lack of meaning or purpose inlife. Regardless of whether it is true or not, we are comforted by the beliefthat there is something greater ‘out there’: that a coherent pattern exists andthat each of us has some particular role to play in that design. Whether it isultimately up to us to create our own meaning in life or whether it is our taskto discover God’s plan and intention, the search for guidelines, goals and asense of purpose forms the crux of the 9th house.


星盘的第九宫代表什么 占星 第9宫

The 9th house signifies what is known as‘the higher mind’ – that part of the mind linked to the faculty of abstractionand the intuitive process – as compared to the concrete mind shown by the 3rdhouse. Mercury, the natural ruler of the 3rd and 6th houses, is afact-gatherer; while Jupiter, the natural ruler of the 9th, denotes thesymbol-making capacity of the psyche, the tendency to imbue a particular eventor happening with meaning or significance. Facts are collected in the 3rd, butin the 9th conclusions are drawn from them: isolated facts are organized withinthe framework of a larger scheme of things or seen as the inevitable offspringof higher organizing principles.


While the 3rd and 6th houses are analogousto the analytical and compartmentalizing left brain, the processes associatedwith the 9th house (and the 12th) correlate to the activity of the right brain.The right brain can identify a shape which is suggested by only a few lines.The points are mentally woven together into a pattern. Synthetic and holistic,the right brain thinks in images, sees wholes, and detects patterns. As MarilynFerguson writes, ‘the left [brain] takes snapshots, the right watches movies.

第三宫和第六宫类似于左脑的分析和分类功能,但与第九宫(和第十二宫)相关的过程与右脑的活动有着联系。右脑仅根据几行字就可以识别一个形状。这些点在脑海中编织成一个图案。右脑是综合性与整体性的形象思维,可以看到全部并检测出图案。正如Marilyn Ferguson所写的那样,“左(脑)拍快照,右(脑)看电影”。有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx

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