星盘的第7宫代表什么 占星 第七宫

Driven by the force of love the fragmentsof the world seek each other that the world may come into being. /在爱的力量的驱使下,世界的碎片在寻找彼此,世界才有可能形成。

——PierreTeilhard de Chardin

星盘的第7宫代表什么 占星 第七宫

The 6th house is the last of what is knownas ‘the personal houses’, and represents the refinement of the individual personalitythrough work, service, humility and attention to everyday life and the physicalbody. Taking a microscope to life, the 6th house analyses and categorizes itinto different parts, giving each part its appropriate place and purpose. Wenow know precisely how we differ from everybody and everything else. But, bythe end of the 6th house, we have grown as separate from one another as lifewill allow, and we have a new lesson to learn: that nothing exists inisolation. When we arrive at the Descendant, the westernmost point in thechart, we turn a sharp corner and find ourselves heading back again to thepoint where it all started. It will be the work of the 7th to 12th houses toreconnect us once more to the lost sense of our unity with all life.


The Descendant is the cusp of the 7th houseand the point opposite the Ascendant. Traditionally, the Ascendant isconsidered the ‘point of self-awareness’ and the Descendant is considered ‘thepoint of awareness of others’. It describes our approach to relationships andthe qualities (along with the planets in the 7th) that we are looking for in apartner. Michael Meyer in A Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer also writesthat the Descendant (and the 7th house) denotes the kinds of activities thatgive the individual the experiences ‘he needs in order to realize thesignificance of others’.

下降点是第七宫的始点,也是与上升点成180度的对称点。传统上,上升点被认为是\”自我意识的起点\”,而下降点则被认为是\”觉知他人意识的起点\”。它描述了我们对待关系的态度和我们寻找伴侣(合作伙伴)时的特质(也要参考七宫内的行星)。Michael Meyer在《人文占星》手册中还写道,下降点(和第七宫)表明了个人需要经历的活动种类,以“认识到他人的重要性\”。

Similarly, the 1st house is traditionallyknown as ‘the house of the self’. The 7th house, which is the farthest from the1st, is labelled ‘the house of the not-self’. It is also known as ‘the house ofmarriage’ and curiously as ‘the house of open enemies’. Marriage here is takento mean any important relationship based on mutual commitment, legallycontracted or otherwise. In the 7th house, two people come together for a purpose– to enhance the quality of their lives by joining with one another, to producea family and gain greater security and stability, and to assuage loneliness andisolation.


Most astrological textbooks teach that theplanets and signs in the 7th house describe the marriage partner, or ‘thesignificant other’. This is true as far as it goes. Placements in the 7th oftenindicate the kind of partner(s) to whom we are attracted. For instance, a manwith the Moon in the 7th may seek a partner who reflects the qualities of theMoon: someone who is receptive, compassionate and caring. A woman with Mars inthe 7th may be attracted to a partner who reflects the qualities of Mars:someone who is assertive, direct and forceful. She may be looking for someoneto make decisions for her and to tell her what to do.


If there is a number of planets ordifferent signs (as in the case of an intercepted house) in the 7th, the issuecan become very confusing because we are looking for so many different kinds ofattributes in a partner. For example, should a woman have both Saturn andUranus in the 7th, she is seeking someone to offer stability and security(Saturn) and yet at the same time she needs someone who is unpredictable,exciting and highly individualistic (Uranus). These two sets of qualitieshardly live comfortably together in one person. She may marry Saturn first,become dreadfully restless and bored, meet someone Uranian and file for adivorce. Or she may remain married to Saturn and have an affair with Uranus. Orshe may marry Uranus first, divorce him on account of his unstable and erraticcharacter, and then breathing a sigh of relief settle down safely with Saturn.Or, if she is somewhat more psychologically mature, she can marry Saturn andfind ways which are unthreatening to the relationship to satisfy her need forUranus, or even develop it more in herself. Or she can marry a Uranian man andprovide the Saturnian security herself in the partnership.


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