上升点是上升星座吗 星座上升点是什么意思

What we are looking for is what is looking/所见即所寻/ ——St Francis

Take a few seconds to imagine how existence in the womb might feel. Floating rhythmically in the waters of life – there is no sense of an individual or separate identity, no awareness of body, feelings or mind as distinct from anything else. Dreamily immersed in a primal paradise, there is only unity or oneness with the rest of creation. The universe is the self, and the self is the universe.


Birth rather dramatically jolts us out ofthis realm of oceanic totality. Being born means ‘taking on’ a body, and heraldsthe self as a unique and distinct individual. On the basis of this moment, thebirth chart is drawn and our journey through the houses begins.


Marking the cusp of the 1st house, theAscendant shows the exact degree of the zodiacal sign which is rising over theeastern horizon at the time of birth. Coincident with the first independentbreath we take, the Ascendant and 1st house proclaim the beginning of a cycle,the initial step or stage in the process of Becoming.

上升点是上升星座吗 星座上升点是什么意思


Whatever is born at a moment in timereflects the qualities of that moment. The Ascending sign comes into light anddistinguishes itself from darkness at the same time that we emerge from thedark, hidden, and undifferentiated environment of the mother’s womb. In otherwords, the Ascendant appears as we appear, and its qualities reflect both whowe are and how we meet life.


The sign of the Ascendant symbolizes aparticular facet of the totality of life which literally seeks ‘em-bodiment’through what is being born at that moment. Because the Ascendant correspondswith the initial ‘flash’ or ‘hit’ of our individual existence, it also impresses itself deeply into the psyche as ‘that which life is all about’. Weattribute to life the qualities of the sign on the Ascendant or any planetsnearby. It is the lens through which we perceive existence, the focus we bringinto life, the way we ‘bracket’ the world. And since we see the world in thisway, we invariably act and behave in accordance with our vision. What’s more,life obliges our expectations and reflects our own point of view back to us.


Let us pause and consider this concept fora moment. How we perceive the world (our lens) will influence both the way werelate to it as well as what is fed back to us. By consciously or unconsciously‘choosing’ certain possible interpretations of situations or people’s actionand behaviour (while disregarding other ways of assessing the samecircumstances), we organize our experience of life according to what we haveelected to see. The Ascendant, which is the first notion of life we form atbirth, describes something about this sorting out and selection process.Reflecting the inborn image we have of life, the sign on the Ascendant coloursour view of existence. If we have on red glasses, the world looks red and wewill act accordingly. We may act very differently if we see a blue worldthrough our lenses.


For example, if Sagittarius is rising, wewill perceive a world of many exciting options and possibilities which inviteus to explore and grow. If Capricorn is rising, however, we will view the worldthrough a narrower lens of fear, doubt and hesitation. The same opportunitiesfor expansion which stimulate and excite the Sagittarius rising into action mayprovoke the Capricorn rising into a state of dread and apprehension. Whenpresented with a new possibility the Sagittarius Ascendant will exclaim,‘Great, when do I start?’ When presented with the same possibility, theCapricorn Ascendant will shudder and drone, ‘Must I do it? I know I reallyshould. Am I good enough? Oh, what a big responsibility!’


We ‘dream the world up’ according to thesign on the Ascendant, and then we enact the dream. It is both the maze wecreate, and, at the same time, the way out of the maze. For instance, thosewith Aries rising interpret the world as a place in which action anddecisiveness are prerequisites, and then they proceed to act decisively. Thosewith Gemini rising create a world in which acquiring knowledge andunderstanding is necessary and then they endeavor to try to figure life out. Inthis sense, the sign on the Ascendant is both what we are looking for and whatis doing the looking.


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