组合中点盘 金星狮子,组合盘金星狮子座

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网上有很多关于组合中点盘 金星狮子,组合盘金星狮子座的知识,也有很多人为大家解答关于组合盘金星狮子座的问题,今天刺梨占星网(nayona.cn)为大家整理了关于这方面的知识,让我们一起来看下吧!



2、必定成为夫妻的星盘 星盘宿命点看未来伴侣


选自How to Make Money Using Astrology: Discovering Your Luck and Fortune


啃BPHS之余,一起学习前辈们的星盘啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的案例给我哈,nà将是无上的róng耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~

Tiger Woods has achieved the highest acclaim for golf in U.S. history to date. He is one of the most successful and highest paid athletes of our time. In the year 2000 he won all four championships, the Masters, the US Open, the British Open and the PGA. In 1997 he signed endorsements for Nike and Titleist for over 60 million dollars for over 5 years. Currently his fortune has grown to over the billionaire mark.


(之前看了几个影后的星盘,yī般都有狮子座的强调,周冬雨和林青霞的D9 都是金星合北交点狮子座,果不其然,Tiger的D9太阳合金星合火星狮子座,不得不服气啊~具体D9盘就不贴了…)

组合中点盘 金星狮子,组合盘金星狮子座

Sports that take a certain amount of finesse and talent will exemplify the 3rd and 5th houses. These houses have been seen before for great communication skills and talent. And if the athlete is successful in terms of financial rewards the 2nd and the 11th houses must come into play. Again with someone with incredible skills and talents we see an extraordinary 3rd house. Here is the ruler of both money houses 2 and 11 in the 3rd house.


This explicitly means the person becomes wealthy through their talents and skills using their hands. The 3rd house rules the hands as in writing and in their use in any creative endeavor. Golf uses the manipulation of the hands like most sports. Neptune can sometimes mean some kind of special gift from beyond this world. His Mars also aspects this house and it rules the sign Scorpio so it is aspecting a house it rules, meaning it strengthens this house all the more for the attributes this house rules. Additionally, Jupiter aspects this house and the planet’s there in, Venus, Moon and Neptune. This house is full of gifts, talents and is fortified to the ultimate, from Mars and Jupiter.


The sign Scorpio can be very passionate and the nakshatra Jyestha where his Moon resides as well. This is the nakshatra I have found most often in the charts of billionaires. The other nakshatra for extreme wealth is Vishakha and he has Rahu here in the 2nd house. Rahu magnifies the placements it resides in, and this is the house of money.

天蝎座非常热情,他的月亮所在的nakshatra Jyestha也是如此。这是我在亿万富翁排行榜上发现最多的nakshatra。另一个代表极度财富的nakshatra是Vishakha,他在第二宫有Rahu。拉胡放大了它所处的位置,这就是金钱之家。

He has Mercury in the 5th house of talent and intelligence. This is the house of the mind and he has to have a very calculating mind to be this successful in such an individualistic sport. Mercury rules his Virgo ascendant. This connects the 1st house with the 5th house. This gives inspiration and luck.


Saturn aspects the 5th house by opposition and it is aspecting Mercury which gives the mind a very deep contemplative focus that one would need to excel in this sport. Saturn is aspecting the sign on the 5th house Capricorn, and it rules Capricorn so it powers up this house all the more with its concentration of mental focus and power.


Notice, when individuals have a chart where the 3rd, 7th and 11th houses are aspected by Jupiter, (Jupiter is in one of these houses), the person is successful from all 3 of these houses. The trine aspect of Jupiter connects these houses indicating the individual will be talented and will have opportunities through the empowered 11th house to express the talent and receive rewards. In Tiger’s chart Jupiter in his 7th house aspects the 3rd house planets plus Saturn in the 11th house of gains. His destiny was certain with this powerful chart for skills, talent and mental focus.




必定成为夫妻的星盘 星盘宿命点看未来伴侣

每个人的人生伴侣看似未知,但又好像是冥冥之中注定好了,两rén之间有着牵扯不断的缘分,那么下面就由 星盘概述 wèi大家揭晓下必定成为夫妻的




1、7宫头所在星座比如丈夫7宫头双鱼,妻子日座双鱼。 2、月亮(星座+宫位)或与月亮形成相位的行星的守护星座比如丈夫月亮白羊,妻子日座白羊或丈夫月亮1宫,妻子日座白羊或丈夫月亮拱火星,妻子日座白羊或天蝎。 PS:与四点呈现也算,上升对应白羊,天底对应巨蟹,类推,下同…… 3、婚神(星座+宫位)或与婚神形成相位的行星(个人觉得婚神的话近地行星的相位优先考虑)的守护星座比如丈夫婚神金牛妻子日座金牛或丈夫婚神2宫,妻子日座金牛或丈夫婚神合金星妻子日zuò金牛或天秤。 4、北交点比如丈夫北交双子妻子日座双子。 5、宿命点比如丈夫宿命点巨蟹妻子日座巨蟹。 6、金星(具体同月亮婚神)比如丈夫金星狮子妻子日座狮子或丈夫金星5宫妻子日座狮子或丈夫日金合妻子日座狮子。 7、7宫头所落宫位或与之呈相星体守护星座比如丈夫7宫头处女水星落7妻子日座天枰或水星六合金星妻子日座天枰或金牛。




在两个人的组合盘里合轴的力量是最大的 上升作为两个人关系的起点和宿命点合,那么当事人往往在初遇的时就会有熟悉的感觉,而这种感觉所带来的吸引往往会让两人不由自主的靠近。强烈的认同感会成为这段关系的开始。 组合盘里宿命点合下降观察下来在亲人朋友的盘中比较多见当事人往往会把彼此视为家人看待! 至于宿命点与中天/天底的合相目前这方面能提供的资料还不多影响力也有待考证!

以上就是关于组合中点盘 金星狮子,组合盘金星狮子座的知识,后面我们会继续为大家整理关于组合盘金星狮子座的知识,希望能够帮助到大家!


有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3如果对你有一点点帮助,欢迎打赏~~~  




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