碗型格局Bowl-typestructure zz


The two planets at the lips or rim of the Bowl may or may not be opposed; if they are, their opposition is known as the “rim opposition.” Both the presence of a rim opposition and a T-square strengthen a Bowl.
The more exact the rim opposition , the stronger is the Bowl pattern\’s influence in your character. If your rim opposition is wide (say more than 8° from exact), or there is no reinforcing T-square in the Bowl, the Bowl Pattern in your chart may not be extremely definitive of your character or compelling in its nature. But it is still present.
越是精确的边缘的对立的影响越强大,这是碗型的格局影响你的。 如果你的容许度比较宽(例如超过8 °),或没有T三角存在,碗格局对您的性格和气质影响可能不会非常明显,但它仍然存在。
If you have a Bowl chart, you are probably very self-contained, and often have a mission, cause or advocacy in life, which manifests either as dedication to an ideal, or more onerously as a cross to bear. 如果你有一个碗形格局,你可能很独立并沉默寡言,而且往往有一个沉重的使命,或者理想贯穿于你的生活之中,甚至是一项艰难的考验。
You often base your sense of self-worth upon a significant contribution that you\’ve made to life that others have valued and acknowledged; if you haven\’t already done this, it is probably a necessary and important step for you. 你经常将自己的人生价值观观和感知凌驾于别人判断的价值和公认的标准之上;如果你还没有这样做,它迟早会被你付诸实践。
You function best in crisis situations, where, according to Marc Jones, you have “an ability to hold steadfast under strain.” Be aware, however, that your reliable steadfastness doesn\’t turn into intractability. 你最好能在危机情况下,坚定你的信念在,根据马克-琼斯:“你有能力去反抗促使你动摇的势力。”注意,无论如何要坚持你的信念,不要摇摆不定。
You\’re also a whole-hogger, putting your heart and soul into the enterprises you take on. 你也是一个企图心很强的人,全身心投入你从事的事情中。
If you\’re a Bowl Pattern, you seek balance and harmony with your environment, perhaps to compensate for the polarity between the occupied and unoccupied halves of your charts. 如果你是一个碗型,你寻求与环境的平衡与和谐,也许,是为了补偿两个边缘之间的不平衡以及星图中空缺的对立半球。
The occupied half of your chart symbolizes what you have to give to the world, and the unoccupied portion what you, consciously or unconsciously, feel you lack. 您的星图表明你不得不定义你空缺的另外一半世界,不管是有意还是潜意识。
Imagine your planets rotating around your chart in a clockwise direction, which in fact they do, due to the daily rotation of the earth. 想象一下你的行星以顺时针旋转,这样能看出你空缺的另一半的含义。
The planet at the clockwise end of the Bowl group is the most highly emphasized planet in the chart, and is known as the \”cutting planet.\” 在顺时针方向的第一个行星起着非常重要的作用,强调了这个格局的意义,该行星被称为“切割行星 ”。
The name comes from the fact that as the Earth rotates, the cutting planet seems to \”cut\” into the ascendant rather than being drawn passively through it as is the other rim planet. 切割行星的名称来自于一个事实,由于地球旋转,切割行星就像将上升切开,与其他边缘的行星一起。
If the cutting planet is also the ruler of the ascendant, it is a very important planet in the chart! 如果切割行星是上升星座的守护星,那它在这个格局中的作用将非常重要。
The cutting planet is also greatly emphasized if it\’s in an angular house, especially the first or the tenth. 切割星也受所在宫位的强化,尤其是在第一或者第十宫。
The affairs of whatever house the cutting planet occupies are emphasized in proportion to the cutting planet\’s emphasis. 切割星所在宫位的受到影响方面由切割星的性质及影响方向决定。
The rim opposition symbolizes—through the signs and houses of the opposed planets—a need for compromise between their opposing energies that is usually resolved in favor of the cutting planet. 象征对立的边缘的两颗行星,需要互相协调,以达到内在的和谐,通常由切割行星起决定作用。
Celebrities with the Bowl pattern are/were Paul Anka, Desi Arnaz, Arthur Ashe, Candice Bergen, Daniel Berrigan, Pierce Brosnan, Julie Christie, Bill Clinton, Franco Corelli, Jane Curtin, Donovan, Patty Duke, Steve Forbes, Joe Greene, Phil Hartman, Goldie Hawn, Jimi Hendrix, Tommy Lee Jones, Caroline Kennedy, Billie Jean King, Stephen King, Penny Marshall, Steve Martin, Bette Midler, Joe Namath, Olivia Newton-John, Carlos Santana, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kenneth Starr, Oliver Stone, Barbara Streisand, Pete Townshend, Margaret Trudeau, Donald Trump, Henry Winkler and Peter Ustinov. 碗格局的名人盘是/是保罗安卡,德西阿诺斯,阿瑟阿士,坎迪丝伯根,丹尼尔柏里,皮尔斯布鲁斯南,朱莉克里斯蒂,比尔克林顿, 法国科雷利,简柯廷,多诺万,帕蒂杜克,史蒂夫福布斯,乔格林,菲尔哈特曼, 歌蒂韩,吉米亨德里克斯,汤米李琼斯,卡罗琳肯尼迪,比利简金,斯蒂芬金,彭马歇尔,史蒂夫马丁,贝特米德勒,乔纳马特,奥利维亚牛顿约翰,卡洛斯桑塔纳,阿诺德施瓦辛格,斯塔尔,奥利弗斯通,芭芭拉史翠珊,皮特汤森,玛格丽特特鲁多,唐纳德特朗普,亨利温克勒和Peter Ustinov爵士。有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx

有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3 有需要联系v;hx-hx3如果对你有一点点帮助,欢迎打赏~~~  




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