选自Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India
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印占资料分享 – 上升狮子Leo Lagna
印占资料分享 – 上升巨蟹Cancer Lagna
印占资料分享 – 上升双子Gemini Lagna
印占资料分享 – 上升金牛Taurus Lagna
印zhàn资料分享 – 上升白羊Aries Lagna
Virgo's symbol is a maiden, indicating shyness, an interest in purity, and a certain lack of skill in worldly matters, even if worldly-wise. The maiden holds a sheaf of grain in one hand and fire in the other, which may imply food (e.g. the service and hospitality industries) but does not suggest progeny, for she is a maiden. Since Virgo is the sixth house of the natural zodiac and so indicates disease, and since the Sun rules the twelfth house of hospitals, Virgos tend to be very interested in hygienics and health care, which is one sort of service industry.
Venus, a mutual friend of lagna lord Mercury, rules both the ninth house of higher learning and the second house of classical learning. Virgo natives tend therefore to love classical culture and education, particularly since Jupiter, who signifies education, rules the fourth house of education. Virgos are often interested in developing skill at a trade, especially one centered around detail (Mercury being the lagna lord, the lord of detail, and the lord of the tenth house of profession ) because Virgo as the sixth house in the natural zodiac also represents the trades.
Mercury, an analytical and calculating planet, is exalted in the ascendant, which when (coupled with the fact that the incisive Mars is lord of the third house of intelligence) gives Virgo natives a propensity for analysis and calculation. Aries, which represents the head, is a Virgo ascendant's eighth house, and Mars, the ruler of Aries, owns for a Virgo lagna both the eighth and the third house. This connection of the head with the eighth house causes a Virgo native always to think unusual thoughts. Virgos will also resist following normal procedures, particularly because Mars ('the Crooked') has a contrarian nature.
These factors, combined with Mercury's debilitation in the seventh house, promote marital difficulties for Virgos. Also, since the fifth house and sixth house are both ruled by Saturn, a graha who does not indicate children and, being old himself, is against children, Virgos may experience difficulties with their children. Venus, the lord of the second and ninth houses, is debilitated in the first house, which makes Virgos fastidious about food (second house). Like natives of Gemini, Mercury's other rashi, Virgos are also inclined in religious matters (ninth house) to be ruled more by their heads than by their hearts, particularly because Venus, who is debilitated in the lagna, signifies emotions.
Mars, who is the enemy of the lagna lord Mercury, is the worst graha for a Virgo ascendant because it rules both the third and eighth houses, houses of longevity and death which are both dussthanas. The eighth house rules both accidents and surgery, and Mars is the significator of violence (both by accident and by cutting); since both these houses are tinged by the influence of Mars, Virgo natives have a distinct propensity for mishaps and surgery.

