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选自Light on Life: An Introduction to the Astrology of India


啃BPHS之余,一起夯实占星基础啊~希望能遇到也在学习研究的你,分享你们的感悟和案例给我哈,那将是无上的荣耀o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ有什么想看的主题也可以私信我,感谢求知若渴的泥萌~

上升星座 国外,查上升星座


Taurus's symbol is the bull, an animal known for its strength. Like bulls, Taurus people often exhibit physical or mental strength and rise to anger slowly but, once irked, they become irresistible forces. Taurus may also give the native a bull neck, since it is lord of the second house in natural zodiac.


When Taurus rises in a horoscope, Mercury (a planet of discernment and intellect who is a mutual friend of the lagna lord Venus) rules both the second house of money and the fifth house of discernment. Mercury's double bearing on mental functions in this lagna often results in a sharp intellect, which tends to make Taureansgood writers (since both Mercury and the fifth house indicate writing) and often makes them use their minds to acquire money (since both Mercury and the second house rule commerce). This tendency is reinforced by the fact that Taurus's ruler Venus is a materialistic, Rajasic graha, which is exalted in the eleventh house of gain as one of the significators for gains. Saturn's rulership of the ninth and tenth houses promotes the pursuits of knowledge and of career, particularly since Saturn is friendly to Venus.

当金牛座在星象中上升时,水星(一个代表洞察力和智慧的行星,是lagna主金星的共同朋友)掌管掌管金钱的第二宫和掌管洞察力的第五宫。水星在这个宫位对心智功能的双重影响通常会导致敏锐的智力,这往往会使金牛座成为优秀的作家(因为水星和第五宫都代表写作),并经常使他们用自己的头脑来获得金钱(因为水星和第二宫都掌管商业)。金牛座的守护星金星是一个物质主义的,Rajasic graha,这是在第11宫的收益,作为收益的象征之一,这一事实加强了这种趋势。土星对第九宫和第十宫的统zhì促进了对知识和事业的追求,特别是因为土星对金星很友好。

Taurus natives rarely have many children, since Virgo (the fifth house for a Taurus lagna) is a barren constellation. The fact that lagna lord Venus is debilitated in the fifth house also indicates trouble with children, or perhaps with general artistic creativity. But discernment will not be affected, because fifth lord Mercury is exalted in the fifth house. Since the luxury-loving Venus rules the sixth house (food, diet) as well as the lagna, Mercury's rulership of the second house tends to create a strong interest in, and a loving relationship with, food. Whether Taureans become good cooks or simply overeaters will depend on the strengths and positions of the grahas in the actual horoscope.


Mars is simultaneously the lord of the seventh and twelfth houses, and Venus the lord of the first and sixth houses. This situation tends to disturb relationshipsbecause the twelfth house is the negation house to the ascendant, and the sixth house is the negation house to the seventh (being twelve houses away from the sixth). Our jyotish guru says, 'Venus, the lord of the first house for a Taurus lagna, is a very passive graha, a conciliator, while Mars, the seventh lord, is very assertive and bossy. White is the color of Venus, and red the color of Mars. When you mix red and white together only red will remain, which means that Taureans tend to submerge their own individuality in order to make their relationships work. Because this approach does not work in the long run, marriage for a Taurus native is often unsuccessful.' That Jupitersimultaneously rules houses eight and eleven implies that the one affects the other, and may indicate a general tendency to trouble through older siblings or friends, or trouble to them.






太阳星座星座是按阳lì计算得,根据下面的图表,算出你的星座白羊座 03月21日─04月20日金牛座 04月21日─05月20日 双子座 05月21日─06月21日 巨蟹座 06月22日─07月22日 狮子座 07月23日─08月22日 处女座 08月23日─09月22日 天秤座 09月23日─10月22日 天蝎座 10月23日─11月21日 射手座 11月22日─12月21日 摩羯座 12月22日─01月19日 水瓶座 01月20日─02月18日 双鱼座 02月19日─03月20日


在西洋占星学中上升星座,又称生辰星位。就是个郑睁仔人出生时东方地平线所在的星座,其变化取决于出生时间与地点。 在个人命盘中上升星座的标志是“Asc”。其概念起源于中世纪,因为那时诞生了一个新的要素,便是天宫的划分,即根据出生时间和地点对生时喊汪的天宫进行区位性划分,从而可以出生天宫图完全个人化,使预测精度明显提高。






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