Those who are seeking the pure Light of Truth, will find in The Golden Star Heavenly Treasure and Riches beyond their wildest dreams. The book begins with two Egyptian pilgrims, Ma-u and Ma-uti, watching a glorious sunset: "At one unforgettable moment the sun sent out five purple rays from between the massed clouds, which like a hand of benediction overspread the pair; whilst a path of molten gold stretched from Ra to them, as if inviting them to stride along that road to glory under His protecting hand. An invitation and Initiation into the Mysteries."With the arrival of Neteru-Hem, \\\’A messenger from the Divine\\\’, the two seekers begin a spiritual journey, which is quite unlike anything else in Occult literature. Descending first into the \\\’Domains of Night\\\’, Ma-u and Ma-uti embark on a quest for knowledge under the guiding hands of Neteru-Hem. Each of the twelve chapters is prefaced by an inspired poem and associated with a particular precious stone. During their remarkable journey (which is also a series of Initiations), the two pilgrims are taught about the real nature of matter and spirit, electricity, atoms, energy and the true constitution of Man and the Universe. The many subjects covered include the inhabitants of the elemental kingdoms, psychism, clairvoyance, witchcraft, magic, spiritualism, occult symbolism, creation, evolution, cosmic consciousness and the hierarchy of spiritual beings who rule the universe under God.
J Michaud PhD
CONTENTSVision 1. The Domains of NightVision 2. Demons and DevasVision 3. Elements and ElementalsVision 4. WitchcraftVision 5. SpiritualismVision 6. The Astral FireVision 7. The Symbol of the CrossVision 8. The KosmosVision 9. Cosmic ConsciousnessVision 10. The Great LightVision 11. The Dwellers in the Celestial SpheresVision 12. GOD
《The Golden Star》具有较高的文学价值,不仅娱乐性强,还融入了哲理和修辞手法,语言优美流畅。
《The Golden Star》是一部令人惊叹的冒险小说,它通过故事情节、人物塑造、主题表达和文学价值等方面展示了其独特的魅力。故事情节紧凑有趣,充满了刺激和惊喜;人物形象生动鲜明,各具特色;主题表达深入人心,探讨了人类的探索精神和成长;文学价值较高,既具有娱乐性又融入了哲理和修辞手法。《The Golden Star》不仅是一部娱乐读物,更是一部值得深入思考和品味的作品。