《An Outline of Occult Science》

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《An Outline of Occult Science》《An Outline of Occult Science》

2009-3-21 15:34 上传

PrefacesSixteenth To Twentieth Edition Now, fifteen years after the first edition of this book, I may well be allowed to say something publicly about the state of soul out of which it arose. Originally, it was my plan to add its essential content as final chapters to my book Theosophy, which had been published previously. This proved to be impossible. At the time of the publication of Theosophy the subject matter of Occult Science did not yet live in me in its final form as was the case with Theosophy. In my imaginative perceptions the spiritual nature of individual man stood before my soul and I was able to describe it; the cosmic relationships, however, which had to be presented in Occult Science did not yet live in my consciousness in the same way. I perceived details, but not the complete picture. I, therefore, decided to publish Theosophy with the content I had seen as the nature of the life of individual man, and then to carry through Occult Science in the near future, without undue haste. The contents of this book had, in accordance with my soul mood at that time, to be given in thoughts that are further elaborations of the thoughts employed in natural science, suited for the presentation of the spiritual. In the preface to the first edition, reprinted in this book, it will be noted how strongly responsible I felt toward natural science in all that I wrote at that time about the science of the spirit. What reveals itself to spiritual perception as the world of spirit cannot, however, be presented in such thoughts alone. For this revelation does not fit into a mere thought content. He who has experienced the nature of such revelation knows that the thoughts of ordinary consciousness are only suited to express what is perceived by the senses, not what is seen by the spirit. The content of what is spiritually perceived can only be reproduced in pictures (imaginations) through which inspirations speak, which have their origin in spiritual entity intuitively perceived.1 But he who describes imaginations from the world of spirit cannot at present merely present these imaginations. For in doing so he would be presenting something that would stand as quite a different content of consciousness alongside the content of knowledge of our age, without any relationship whatsoever to it. He has to fill modern consciousness with what can be recognized by another consciousness that perceives the world of spirit. His presentation will then have this world of spirit as content, but this content will appear in the form of thoughts into which it flows. Through this it will be completely comprehensible to ordinary consciousness, which thinks in terms of the present day but does not yet behold the world of spirit. This comprehensibility will only then be lacking if we ourselves raise barriers against it, that is, if we labor under the prejudices that the age has produced regarding "the limits of knowledge" through an incorrectly conceived view of nature. In spiritual cognition everything is immersed in intimate soul experience, not only spiritual perception itself, but also the understanding with which the unseeing, ordinary consciousness meets the results of clairvoyant perception. Those who maintain that anyone who believes he understands is merely suggesting the understanding to himself have not the slightest inkling of this intimacy. But it is a fact that what expresses itself merely in concepts of truth and error within the scope of comprehension of the physical world becomes experience in regard to the spiritual world. ……文件密码:《An Outline of Occult Science》www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《An Outline of Occult Science》回复


摘要:《An Outline of Occult Science》是一部关于神秘科学的概述性著作。本文将从四个方面对这部著作进行详细阐述:作者简介、内容概述、主要观点和影响力。通过对这些方面的探讨,我们可以更好地理解和欣赏这部充满神秘色彩的著作。


《An Outline of Occult Science》的作者是Rudolf Steiner(鲁道夫·斯坦纳),他是一位奥地利哲学家、教育家和神秘主义者。斯坦纳是人类智慧运动(Anthroposophy)的创始人,他的作品涉及哲学、教育、艺术和灵性等多个领域。




《An Outline of Occult Science》是一本系统性介绍神秘科学的著作。斯坦纳将神秘科学定义为对超感官世界的研究,超感官世界是对物质世界之外的现象和实体的探索。




《An Outline of Occult Science》的主要观点可以总结为以下几点:






《An Outline of Occult Science》对于神秘主义和灵性探索产生了深远的影响。它为人们提供了一个全新的视角,帮助人们超越物质世界,探索更深层次的真相。


《An Outline of Occult Science》是一部引人入胜的著作,它挑战了传统观念,提供了一个更广阔的视野。通过深入研究和思考,读者可以从中获得深刻的洞察力和启发。

总结:《An Outline of Occult Science》是一部关于神秘科学的概述性著作,由鲁道夫·斯坦纳撰写。斯坦纳的独特背景和深厚的学识使得他能够在这部著作中提供深入的见解和独特的观点。本文从作者简介、内容概述、主要观点和影响力四个方面对这部著作进行了详细阐述。通过对这些方面的探讨,我们可以更好地理解和欣赏这部充满神秘色彩的著作。



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