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PREFACE This instructive book carries in itself a life-transforming value. None who reads it, with the needed interest and attention, will ever feel inclined to remain unchanged in personal nature and untransformed in conduct and character. A good deal of careful judgment and confidence would assist us in asserting that no one who reads this work, will fail to resist the readiness to make of his own will a Power that alters and exalts his own life and destiny. The work is fraught with implicit guidance for turning our personalities into forces of compelling influence and charm, and for rendering our lives into so many grand stories of the epic unfoldment of the Divine Truth we enshrine, the Divine Light we bear, and the Divine perfection we hold in our inner being. This, then, is a simple, straightforward, inspiring book that holds out many methods for the culture and nurture of thought power. It is also a work that presents us with many useful suggestions which enable us to reach a region beyond the terrain of thought and its power, a realm of transcendental Experience and God-consciousness. Helped by his own illimitable Love for all humanity, and dictated by the logic of his untiring energies for the service of every man, Sivananda has made himself extremely useful to all kinds of people, to men in all walks of life, and has written books on a rich diversity of themes in his own illuminating and spiritual way. Embodying in himself the very spirit of the whole of Indian spiritual culture, Sivananda has poured out on mankind hundreds of gifts of the books that enshrine Wisdom of Life. The present work will commend itself, and will yield many rewards, to both the lay public and the community of spiritual individuals. It will be found very valuable more particularly by persons who, while not believing in any religion, not given over to love any God, not subscribing to any article of faith, are yet eager to live a life of power, purity, peace, prosperity, progress, happiness and fulfilment, right in the environs of their work-a-day world. Sivananda has attempted implicitly to present in this work, a dynamic knowledge of thought power at these three distinct fields:— The field of higher applied psychology: Here Sivananda speaks of thoughts as forces that chisel countenance, fashion character, change destiny, and make of life an all-round success. The field of a full-fledged parapsychology: This field is covered by those widely scattered passages and chapters in this work, which throw illumination on the fact that human Mind is the seat and centre of a number of supernormal powers and factors. Sivananda urges the readers to tap these powers, and to make operative in their own outer life, the various higher faculties they command. The field of transcendental realization: Wherever Sivananda prescribes a method for, or speaks of thought-transcendence, he is attempting to lead us into the domains of Divine Realization in which thought ceases to be thought, and blazes into infinite Consciousness. This work, then, represents Sivananda to the readers, in a way, as a practical psychologist, a physicist and chemist in the world of the phenomena of thought, a parapsychologist, a Yogi, and thus helps them build their future, gain their success in life, and acquire the power to manipulate thought and wrest from it the extraordinary powers it holds. The book will also help them to attain refinement and culture by thought-discipline, use their capacity for releasing wholesome, constructive and inspiring thought-vibrations, obtain by accomplishing something great and grand, peace, happiness, and gain God-realization which is the meaning, aim, and ultimate destiny of all human life on earth. ……文件密码:www.zhiyinshe.com下载地址回复可见:游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请
摘要:《THOUGHT POWER》是一本关于思想力量的书籍。本文将从四个方面对《THOUGHT POWER》进行详细阐述,分别是书籍的内容概述、作者的观点阐述、思想力量的应用实例以及读者的反馈。通过对这些方面的分析,可以更好地理解和应用思想力量。
《THOUGHT POWER》是一本关于思想力量的畅销书籍。书中详细介绍了思想的力量对个人和社会的影响。作者通过丰富的实例和理论论述,阐述了思想力量的本质和作用。书籍的内容包括思想的力量源泉、思想对健康和成功的影响、思想的创造力以及思想的传播等方面。通过阅读这本书,人们可以更深入地认识思想力量,并从中受益。
作者在《THOUGHT POWER》中提出了自己关于思想力量的观点。他认为思想力量是一种神奇的力量,可以改变人的命运。他通过举例说明了思想力量的具体表现,如通过积极的思考来改善自己的生活状况,通过正能量的思维方式来克服困难等。作者强调了思想力量对个人和社会的重要性,并鼓励读者积极运用思想力量去改变自己和影响他人。
《THOUGHT POWER》中提供了丰富的思想力量应用实例,帮助读者更好地理解和应用思想力量。作者通过实例展示了思想力量对个人和社会的影响,如通过积极的思考来改变自己的生活状态,通过正能量的思维方式来克服困难等。这些实例生动有趣,使读者更有动力去运用思想力量。
《THOUGHT POWER》的读者反馈普遍积极。读者们表示,通过阅读这本书,他们更深入地了解了思想力量的重要性,并学会了如何运用思想力量去改变自己和影响他人。很多读者表示,书中的实例和理论启发了他们,使他们对自己的未来更有信心。
《THOUGHT POWER》通过详细的阐述和实例,向读者展示了思想力量的巨大潜力和影响力。通过运用思想力量,人们可以改变自己的命运,实现自己的梦想。因此,我们应该积极运用思想力量,改变自己的思维方式和行为习惯,从而改善自己的生活和实现自己的目标。

