《快乐化学花园》1624年的炼金文献(Viridarium Chymicum)

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一些炼金术经典配方的整合英译版,包括12钥匙等。作者是Daniel Stoltzius Von Stoltzenbert。






Daniel Stoltzius Von Stoltzenbert


[A listing of the title of plates] 0. Chemical Pleasure-Garden [A Commentary on the Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine] 1. The First Key of Basilius Valentinus 2. The Other Key of Basilius 3. The Third Key of Basilius 4. The Fourth Key of Basilius 5. The Fifth Key of Basilius 6. The Sixth Key of Basilius 7. The Seventh Key of Basilius 8. The Eighth Key of Basilius 9. The Ninth Key of Basilius 10. The Tenth Key of Basilius 11. The Eleventh Key of Basilius 12. The Last Key of Basilius [Three Plates about the Philosopher’s Stone & Mercury] 1. The Material of the Philosopher\’s Stone 2. Three Possessors of the Philosopher\’s Stone 3. Mercurius, a Lord of all Worldly Things The Champions of Alchemy and the Principle Alchemists of Twelve Nations 1. Hermes Trismegistus, called the Greatest, an Egyptian. 2. Mary, the Hebrew Woman 3 .Democritus, a Greek 4. Morienes, a Roman 5. Avicenna, an Arab 6. Albertus Magnus, a German 7. Arnold Villanova, a Frenchman 8. Thomas Aquinas, an Italian 9. Raymund Lully, a Spaniard 10. Roger Bacon, an Englishman 11. Melchior Cibinensis, a Hungarian 12. Michael Sendivogius, a Pole[A listing of the title of plates (continued)] [Five Things] 1. Meteoric Things: That is, all things that stay above 2. Mineral Things: That is, what is dug out of and found in the earth 3. Vegetable Things: That is, what grows upon the earth 4. Animal Things: That is, all that is animal and has life, or the living creatures 5. Man [Twenty Seven Plates about the Philosopher’s Stone and it’s Cultivation] 1. The Division of the Stone into the Four Elements 2. The Four Effects, Disintigration, Lavation, Composition, and Stabtility 3. The Stone of the Wise Ones from the Spirit, Body and Soul. 4. Our Dragon 5. Calcination is the First Step of the Wise Ones 1st 6. The Other Step is the Disintegration or Solution 2nd 7. The Third Step is the Separation 3rd 8. The Fourth Step is the Composition of Conjunction 4th 9. The Fifth Step is the Putrefaction 5th 10. The Four Grades of Warmth 11. The Sixth Step is the Congelation 6th 12. The Seventh Step is the Cibation 7th 13. The Eighth Step is the Sublimation 8th 14. The Ninth Step is the Fermentation 9th 15. The Tenth Step in the Exaltation 10th 16. The Eleventh Step in the Multiplication 11th 17. Out of the Four Elements Come All Things 18. The Seven Metals 19. Marriage or the Marital Tie 20. Mercurius or Quicksilver 21. The Tincture or the Coloring 22. The Water of the Wise Men 23. The Two Sulphurs 24. The Elixir or an Oily Juice in Flux 25. The Conjunction 26. The Multiplication 27. The Cibation[A listing of the title of plates (continued)] 0. The Wonder-Works of Our Stone [Twenty Plates Concerning the Work of the Philosopher] 1. The Water of Life 2. The Philosophic Ore of the Wise or Copper 3. The Philosophic Fire 4. The Philosophic Bath 5. The Conjunction 6. The Putrefaction 7. The Extraction or Impregnation of the Souls 8. The Lavation of Cleansing 9. The Exaltation or the Ecstasy of the Souls 10. The Growth 11. The Multiplication 12. The Illumination 13. The Nourishing 14. The Stability 15. The Multiplication 16. The Revivification 17. The Perfection 18. The Green Lion 19. Our Gold 20. The Awakening of the King [Twelve Plates on the Philosophic Development] 1. The Three Wells of the True Water 2. The Philosopher or the Friend of Wisdom 3. The Nymph of our Ocean or the Goddess of the Water 4. Our Sulphur 5. The Egg of the Wise Ones 6. The Birth 7. The Conjunction 8. The Death 9. The Putrefaction 10. The Blanching 11. The Rubefaction 12. A Dream or Vision[A listing of the title of plates (continued)] [Five Plates about Managing Complementary-Opposites: Fire & Water, Heaven & Earth, the Sun & the Moon, the Eagle & the Lion]1. The Confession of Our Virgin or the Bringing Together 2. The Rhodostaurotic and Heaven-Carrying Atlas 3. Hermes\’ Emerald Tablet 4. The New Bringing-Together or the Confession 5. Another Combination [Seven Plates concerning the Prima Materia and its Effects]0. The First Material 1. The First Effect 2. The Other Effect 3. The Third Effect 4. The Fourth Effect 5. The Fifth Effect 6. The Sixth Effect [Three Plates Concluding the Subject]1. The Whole Philosophic Work 2. The Coat of Arms of our Hero 3. Saturn\’s Bringing-Together or Confession新人第一次发资源请多指教~因为这个就算是有一定基础知识的人看可能也会觉得有些晦涩,所以不多加解释了,包含一些经典炼金术的配方。游客,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《快乐化学花园》1624年的炼金文献(Viridarium Chymicum)回复




《快乐化学花园》是炼金术师Johann Daniel Mylius于1624年出版的一部重要文献。该文献的出版背景与当时炼金术的兴盛有关,它记录了炼金术在欧洲的发展历程,被誉为炼金术的百科全书。



















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