《Crystal Healing》(《水晶高频治疗》的英文版) – 矿灵

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Crystal Healing(台翻译版:水晶高频治疗,水晶三部曲之二)副标题: Applying the Therapeutic Properties of Crystals and Stones (Crystal Trilogy, Vol. 2)作者: Katrina Raphaell出版社: Aurora Press出版年: 1987-01-01页数: 220定价: USD 17.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780943358307






Katrina Raphaell


–Crystal Healing(台版:水晶高频治疗,水晶三部曲之二)看到有童鞋发了中文版的第一部《水晶光能启蒙》,想起来我下了英文版的第二部、第三部,拿出来和大家分享一下。下面发一下中文版《水晶高频治疗》的简介以供参考吧。人类正跨入真知的黄金时代的门槛,水晶矿石是我们的老师和嚮导,它们真切的反映与展现出的光,是一切造物的共同起源,能协助我们平静、滋长,拥抱与展现出如水晶般清澈的内在之光。──卡崔娜.拉斐尔作者卡崔娜是资深水晶治疗师及水晶学院的创办人,将水晶矿石用于疗癒与意识提升的第一手资讯,完整呈现在她所着的水晶三部曲中,本书是此系列的第二本书,更进一步的详述水晶治疗技巧的实际应用。水晶是一项有力的能量调整工具,能运作在精微能量场上,治疗累世古老的创伤,进而使得个人高我的力量能有意识的与造化万物的大灵连结。个人对水晶光能的开启与接收,有赖当事人是否愿意静下心来连结水晶给与的洞见。当水晶所辐射的光、色彩频率与能量渗入气场之后,脉轮的阻塞将被清除,身体能自在的展现出灵性协调的状态并开展潜能。本书提供特殊的进阶技巧与疗法,能将水晶矿石的治癒力带入个人疗程与实际生活中,并且有意识的接触内在智慧之源,获得大量的光能来疗癒自己。本书特色1. 全球最资深及权威的水晶治疗师卡崔娜.拉斐尔,继《水晶光能启蒙》之后,与您分享蕴藏在矿石里的神圣疗癒知识,把她多年来将水晶在个人成长、保护气场、释放情绪、深度治疗上的运用,以及关于水晶的故事与读者分享。引导你接触内在智慧之源,展现出如水晶般清澈的内在之光。2. 内容实用,明确易懂,提出的方法具体可行,是一本符合现代人身心灵健康需求的好书。本书是「水晶三部曲」的第二本,为了让读者能更清楚了解书中所叙述的特殊水晶治疗技巧,编入详细的水晶矿石排列法彩色照片,介绍心智、身体、心与灵魂的关连,以及如何透过水晶矿石的帮助,获得保护与指引、跨越时间、前世回溯、驱邪,与光融合的治疗法,以及后续的疗效维护计画等,并提供了珍贵的大师级水晶照片与介绍,使初学者或是专业人士都能够运用水晶矿石来进行灵魂的启蒙、完整的疗癒与意识的扩展,在生命中开启一个光的世界。Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《Crystal Healing》(《水晶高频治疗》的英文版) - 矿灵回复

高频, 水晶, , Crystal, 三部曲有需要联系v;zhanxzhanx

摘要:The English version of “Crystal Healing – Mineral Spirits” is the focus of this article. It provides a brief overview of the entire article, generating a summary of about 300 words that captures the essence of the article and provides a captivating description.

1、Introduction to Crystal Healing

“Crystal Healing – Mineral Spirits” is an English version of the book that delves into the world of crystal healing and explores the power of crystals to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The book introduces readers to the concept of crystal healing, its history, and the various types of crystals and their healing properties. It also provides practical guidance on how to choose, cleanse, and use crystals for healing purposes.

Crystal healing has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek natural and holistic approaches to health and well-being. This section of the article will explore the benefits of crystal healing and how it can be incorporated into daily life to enhance overall wellness.

Furthermore, the article will discuss the scientific basis behind crystal healing and the theories that explain how crystals emit vibrations that interact with the body’s energy field. It will also address the skeptics’ viewpoint and present scientific studies that support the efficacy of crystal healing.

2、The Power of Crystals in Healing

This section of the article will delve deeper into the healing properties of crystals and the specific ailments and conditions they can address. It will explore the different types of crystals and their corresponding healing properties, such as amethyst for stress relief, rose quartz for love and relationships, and clear quartz for clarity and focus.

Additionally, the article will discuss how crystals can be used to balance and activate the body’s energy centers, known as chakras, promoting the free flow of energy and enhancing overall well-being. It will also explore the use of crystals in meditation and energy healing practices.

Furthermore, the article will highlight the importance of intention and intuition in crystal healing, as well as provide practical tips on how to harness the power of crystals for self-healing and personal growth.

3、Choosing and Caring for Crystals

In this section, the article will provide guidance on how to choose the right crystals for specific purposes and how to care for them to maintain their energy and vibrational frequencies. It will discuss the importance of connecting with the energy of different crystals and using one’s intuition to select the most suitable crystals for healing.

The article will also offer suggestions for cleansing and charging crystals to remove any negative energy they may have absorbed and to enhance their healing properties. Various cleansing methods, such as using saltwater, sunlight, or sound, will be explored, along with tips on how to program crystals with specific intentions.

Additionally, the article will address common misconceptions about crystals, such as the belief that they need to be expensive or rare to be effective, and emphasize the importance of cultivating a personal connection with the crystals rather than relying solely on their external properties.

4、Crystal Healing in Daily Life

This section of the article will focus on how to incorporate crystal healing into daily life to promote overall well-being. It will provide practical suggestions on how to use crystals in various settings, such as the home, workplace, and personal meditation practice.

The article will explore the use of crystals in creating sacred spaces and altars, as well as in Feng Shui practices to harmonize and balance the energy of the environment. It will also discuss the benefits of wearing crystal jewelry and carrying crystals in pockets or bags for ongoing healing and protection.

Furthermore, the article will provide guidance on how to incorporate crystals into daily self-care rituals, such as bath rituals, visualization exercises, and affirmations. It will also highlight the importance of setting intentions and maintaining a positive mindset when working with crystals.

Overall, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the English version of “Crystal Healing – Mineral Spirits.” It explores the power and benefits of crystal healing, the specific properties of different crystals, how to choose and care for crystals, and practical ways to incorporate crystal healing into daily life. By embracing the wisdom of crystal healing, individuals can enhance their well-being and connect with the healing energies of the mineral kingdom.


Crystal healing offers a holistic and natural approach to well-being, harnessing the energy and healing properties of crystals. This article provided a detailed exploration of the English version of “Crystal Healing – Mineral Spirits,” covering its introduction, the power of crystals in healing, choosing and caring for crystals, and incorporating crystal healing into daily life. By embracing crystal healing, individuals can tap into the healing energies of the mineral kingdom and enhance their overall wellness. This article was brought to you by nayona.cn.


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