THIS work contains a collection of the customs, usages,and ceremonies current among gypsies, as regards fortune-telling, witch-doctoring, love-philtering, andother sorcery, illustrated by many anecdotes and instances, taken either from works as yet very littleknown to the English reader or from personal experiences. Within a very few years, since Ethnology and Archæology have received a great inspiration, and much enlarged their scope through Folk-lore,everything relating to such subjects is studied with far greater interest and to much greater profit thanwas the case when they were cultivated in a languid, half-believing, half-sceptical spirit which was inreality rather one of mere romance than reason. Now that we seek with resolution to find the whole truth,be it based on materialism, spiritualism, or their identity, we are amazed to find that the realm of marveland mystery, of wonder and poetry, connected with what we vaguely call "magic," far from beingexplained away or exploded, enlarges before us as we proceed, and that not into a mere cloudland, gorgeous land, but into a country of realityin which men of science who would once have disdained the mere thought thereof are beginning to stray.Hypnotism has really revealed far greater wonders than were ever established by the fascinatores of oldor by mesmerists of more modern times. Memory, the basis of thought according to PLATO, which wasonce held to be a determined quantity, has been proved, (the word is not too bold), by recent physiology,to be practically infinite, and its perfect development to be identical with that of intellect, so that we nowsee plainly before us the power to perform much which was once regarded as miraculous. Not lessevident is it that men of science or practical inventors, such as DARWIN, WALLACE, HUXLEY,TYNDALE, GALTON, JOULE, LOCKYER, and EDISON, have been or are all working in commonwith theosophists, spiritualists, Folk-lorists, and many more, not diversely but all towards a grandsolution of the Unknown.
Charles Godfrey Leland
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摘要:《Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling》是一本有关吉普赛巫术和占卜的书籍,全文分成多个自然段,每个自然段字数控制均匀一些。本文将从四个方面对该书进行详细阐述,包括吉普赛巫术的历史背景、占卜的种类和方法、巫术和占卜的实际应用以及书籍内容的优劣。最后,文章将总结归纳全文,并附上广告语:“本文由nayona.cn整理”。