《The Secret Book of Artephius》

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(1) Antimony is a mineral participating of saturnine parts, and has in all respects the nature thereof. This saturnine antimony agrees with sol, and contains in itself argent vive, in which no metal is swallowed up, except gold, and gold is truly swallowed up by this antimonial argent vive. Without this argent vive no metal whatsoever can be whitened; it whitens laton, i.e. gold; reduceth a perfect body into its prima materia, or first matter, viz. into sulphur and argent vive, of a white color, and outshining a looking glass. It dissolves, I say the perfect body, which is so in its own nature; for this water is friendly and agreeable with the metals, whitening sol, because it contains in itself white or pure argent vive. (2) And from both these you may draw a great arcanum, viz. a water of saturnine antimony, mercurial and white; to the end that it may whiten sol, not burning, but dissolving, and afterwards congealing to the consistence or likeness of white cream. Therefore, saith the philosopher, this water makes the body to be volatile; because after it has dissolved in it, and infrigidated, it ascends above and swims upon the surface of the water. Take, saith he, crude leaf gold, or calcined with mercury, and put it into our vinegre, made of saturnine antimony, mercurial, and sal ammoniac, in a broad glass vessel, and four inches high or more; put it into a gentle heat, and in a short time you will see elevated a liquor, as it were oil swimming atop, much like a scum. Gather this with a spoon or feather dipping it in; and in doing so often times a day until nothing more arises; evaporate the water with a gentle heat, i.e., the superfluous humidity of the vinegre, and there will remain the quintessence, potestates or powers of gold in the form of a white oil incombustible. In this oil the philosophers have placed their greatest secrets; it is exceeding sweet, and of great virtue for easing the pains of wounds. ……文件密码:《The Secret Book of Artephius》www.zhiyins.com下载地址回复可见:Andyanrt,如果您要查看本帖隐藏内容请《The Secret Book of Artephius》回复


摘要:《The Secret Book of Artephius》是一本神秘的书籍,本文将从四个方面对其进行详细阐述。首先是该书的背景和起源,其次是书中所涵盖的内容和主题,然后是书中所传达的思想和哲学,最后是该书对读者的影响和意义。


《The Secret Book of Artephius》据说是由中世纪化学家Artephius所著,但其真实作者仍然成谜。这本书是关于炼金术和神秘哲学的一部重要著作,被认为是炼金术的经典之作。Artephius在书中分享了自己关于炼金术和哲学的研究成果。


《The Secret Book of Artephius》被视为炼金术的指导书,对后来的炼金术研究和实践产生了重要影响。


《The Secret Book of Artephius》的内容包含了许多关于炼金术和哲学的重要思想和技术。它介绍了炼金术的基本原理、实验方法和工具,以及炼金术师应该具备的品质和素质。


此外,《The Secret Book of Artephius》还涉及了一些神秘的符号、象征和仪式,这些内容使得这本书在炼金术和神秘学领域具有重要地位。


《The Secret Book of Artephius》所传达的思想和哲学深深影响了后来的炼金术师和哲学家。它强调了人类的内在力量和潜能,鼓励人们通过实践和探索来实现自身的成长和进步。


《The Secret Book of Artephius》的思想和哲学对于当代人们的心灵成长和探索仍然具有启发意义。


《The Secret Book of Artephius》对炼金术和神秘学的发展产生了深远的影响。它为后来的炼金术师和哲学家提供了重要的思想和实践指导,使得炼金术成为一门系统的学科。


总结:《The Secret Book of Artephius》是一本关于炼金术和神秘哲学的重要著作,它涵盖了炼金术的基本原理、实验方法和思想。该书强调了人类与自然和宇宙的紧密联系,以及通过实践和探索可以实现心灵和身体的完美统一。它对炼金术和神秘学的发展产生了深远的影响,并在文化和艺术领域成为了重要的文化符号。



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