
21. Every beginning when the Moon shall be joined to a Retrograde planet will soon be destroyed, and if she shall be otherwise impedited, the mischief will happen the sooner.


22. Make Saturn and Sun significators of kings and princes, with the planet, and planets of the tenth; but their helpers take from the eleventh, and the assistants of vulgar persons from the second house.


23. When a king or prince sets forth to journey, be sure reject that time when Cancer ascends.


24. Gemini and Sagittarius obey the head and tail of the Dragon, more than other signs: therefore do they work more mischief in those signs than they do in any other. [9]


25. When either Taurus or Libra ascends in women\’s nativities and Mars therein, the native will be immodest and unchaste; the same if Capricorn shall ascend.


26. The virtues of the planets are received by the Sun, when he is posited either in the ascendant or midheaven, in conjunction of them. The Moon in the night-time receives them also, if in the aforesaid places, she be joined to them.


27. Jupiter dissolves Saturn\’s malice; and Venus dissolves Mars\’s.


28. When a question is propounded of a woman, take Venus as her natural significatrix: but more particularly the seventh house. But if a question be asked of an Enemy, respect the twelfth house; but, then more particularly, the seventh also.


29. When any one goeth to war, especially a king, let the ascendant be one of the houses of the superiour planets, or of the Sun. And let the lord of the ascendant, and the Sun be potent in the figure; but the lord of the seventh weak and unfortunate.


30. The Moon increasing in light and motion, and in conjunction of Saturn or Jupiter, is generally good in all things: but if she be diminished in light, \’tis ill; understand the contrary wholly, when she is in conjunction of Venus and Mars.


31. Let not Jupiter be under the Sun beams, or otherwise impedited, when you either pawn or lend things; which if he shall be so, and not received of the planet impediting, there will be little or no hopes of redemption.


32. Fortunate planets going to conjunction or aspect of one of the infortunes, in any figure, diminish their evil influence. If the figure be good, the greater good they do; if ill, the lesser. But the malevolents in square or opposition of the benevolents diminish and abate of their virtues, the other aspects hinder not.


33. Saturn passing out of one sign into another causes strange apparitions in the heavens, which the Arabians term Assub; or certain other signs of a Fiery nature.


34. The conjunction of Jupiter and Sun produceth temperate air, chiefly, when celebrated in aerial signs. From the conjunction of Saturn & Sun, comes cold; and from conjunction of the Sun & Mars, in the Spring season, proceeds a cloudy dark air, it happening in double bodied signs, whence diseases very frequently follow.


35. In summer, when the Sun enters the terms of Mars, heat is caused; in winter, drought, and scarcity of rain and waters.


36. In the nativities and questions of men, make hyleg, and alchocoden, and their directions; chiefly, in questions concerning kings and great persons, by which their accidents are chiefly known, let them be good, or evil.


37. If the ascendant be fortunate, and the lord thereof unfortunate, it indicates a sound and healthful body, but an afflicted mind. But if the contrary happen, judge the contrary.


38. Always note the configurations of the stars, not by their signs, but orbs. [10]


39. Let the Moon be increasing in light, and free from the aspects of the infortunes, when you would cure sore eyes.


40. The Part of Fortune with ill planets in the fourth, ninth, or tenth houses, denote death to the sick.



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