星盘第六宫代表什么意思 6宫星盘代表什么

A monk told Joshu: ‘I have just entered themonastery. Please teach me.’ Joshu asked: ‘Have you eaten your rice porridge?’The monk replied: ‘I have eaten.’ Joshu said: ‘Then you had better wash yourbowl.’

——A Zen story


The main problem with the 5th house is atendency to ‘go over the top’. We delight in self-expression, but we don’t knowwhen to stop. In the 5th house we no longer believe we are everything, but westill think we can be or do anything. The 6th house follows the 5th and remindsus of our natural boundaries and the need for clearer self-definition. Like thephilosophy of Zen, the 6th house asks that we respect and regain the‘perfection of our original nature’, that we become what we alone are (no more,no less), and that we live this in our everyday lives. Our true vocation is tobe ourselves.


The 6th house shakes a finger at the 5thand retorts:

Very well, it’s wonderful to giveexpression to your creative flair, but have you really done it that cleverly?That painting is not quite right yet and you’ve exhausted yourself staying uptwo nights working on it.



Sure, you are having quite a sizzlingromance, but have you examined the practicalities of this as a long-termrelationship – not to mention the fact you can’t stand the after-shave hewears?



Congratulations, you’ve had a baby girl.Now adjust your schedule and life to her and keep those clean nappiescoming.



Remember that party last week where youreally let yourself go? When you look back, don’t you think you might haveoffended that shy boy in the corner who didn’t even have a chance to speakbecause you monopolized the conversation?


The time has come to take stock ofourselves, to discriminate between priorities, to assess the use we are makingof our power and capabilities, and above all, to recognize the limits and truthof our own nature and humanity.


Try as it may, a pear seed can never becomean apple tree. Nor should it, if we believe as Kierkegaard did, that ‘to willto be the self which one truly is, is indeed the opposite of despair.’ The 6thhouse is all about sticking to our plan and blossoming into precisely what weare meant to be. Doing this feels right and good. But the consequences for notrespecting the truths of our own nature are stress, frustration and dis-ease:messengers telling us that something is awry and needs to be examined.


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